How hard it is for any of us as Catholics to criticise the Pope. I know that when I do my Catholic heart bothers me.
I have been disturbed by Pope Jorge Bergoglio from that evening he came out on the loggia with his "good evening." The next day, he celebrated his first Mass and did not genuflect after the Elevations and does not to this day. He refused to bless the assembled media because he respected their "consciences." Well, what about the Catholics there or those who might have benefited from this grace? A few days later, he more than genuflected by grovelling on the floor to wash the feet of non-Catholics on Holy Thursday when these should have been priests. If he wishes to wash the feet of the poor in a humble manner do it without cameras on any of the 364 other nights of the year, but not that night.
It has only gotten worse. The insults, the confusion, the literally idiotic statements. He has invited a man to pray in the Vatican whose "religion" was founded by a murderous, pervert and antichrist. We are now told to kneel in veneration of the poor while he still does not genuflect at Mass at the Consecration! Last week, pro-abortion and population controllers were at the Vatican at an environmental conference. Today, he met with some silly woman in clerics from Sweden who needs a therapist as she thinks she's a bishop as Jenner thinks he's a woman. Frankly Bruce Jenner has more potential to become a bishop than this Swede. There is the persecution of the FFI and so much more.
My friend Aged Parent of The Eye-Witnesss blog has a post that resonates:
I have been disturbed by Pope Jorge Bergoglio from that evening he came out on the loggia with his "good evening." The next day, he celebrated his first Mass and did not genuflect after the Elevations and does not to this day. He refused to bless the assembled media because he respected their "consciences." Well, what about the Catholics there or those who might have benefited from this grace? A few days later, he more than genuflected by grovelling on the floor to wash the feet of non-Catholics on Holy Thursday when these should have been priests. If he wishes to wash the feet of the poor in a humble manner do it without cameras on any of the 364 other nights of the year, but not that night.
It has only gotten worse. The insults, the confusion, the literally idiotic statements. He has invited a man to pray in the Vatican whose "religion" was founded by a murderous, pervert and antichrist. We are now told to kneel in veneration of the poor while he still does not genuflect at Mass at the Consecration! Last week, pro-abortion and population controllers were at the Vatican at an environmental conference. Today, he met with some silly woman in clerics from Sweden who needs a therapist as she thinks she's a bishop as Jenner thinks he's a woman. Frankly Bruce Jenner has more potential to become a bishop than this Swede. There is the persecution of the FFI and so much more.
My friend Aged Parent of The Eye-Witnesss blog has a post that resonates:
The current Pope has, let us face obvious facts, left the Church in a state of disarray, not to say blind panic. From one day to the next we hear messages from his garrulous lips that are either mildly orthodox, of dubious orthodoxy and/or outright rubbish. No one seems to know if he has the intellectual capacity for his exalted position or if he just likes to talk, to say anything that enters his head, without much forethought. He cannot be pinned down. His words and actions are so "all-over-the-place" that no one can form a definitive judgment. I most certainly can't. He keeps everyone on tenterhooks or, worse, in a state of real fear for the Church. Dignity does not seem to be a concept he is too familiar with, so when an ordinary Catholic sees him putting on a clown nose they cringe with embarrassment for the Church, and for him. These are not the actions of a grave or earnest man.
Imagine, Catholics who are so distressed over the occupant of the Chair of Peter that we are forced to write in this manner in alarm for what we are facing.
And Asia Bibi still suffers on death row.