When you think about it, this is all good. The more these heretical and warped priests, bishops and cardinals show their hands the better. Their arrogance and pride blind them. They do not realise that there are no more secrets. They cannot hide anymore.
The rot of the sodomite infiltration into the hierarchy of the Holy Catholic Church is being revealed right before our eyes. It defies logic that someone would take the position that this man does and not be one.
What will Jorge Bergoglio, Bishop or Rome do about this man?
Columbian bishop floates idea of gay apostle, lesbian Mary Magdalene
Bishop Juan Vicente Córdoba of Fontibón says "no one chooses to be gay or straight"
ROME — A Colombian bishop, insisting that being homosexual is not a sin, said Thursday it’s possible that one of the twelve apostles of Jesus was gay or that Mary Magdalene, another key New Testament figure, was a lesbian.
Bishop Juan Vicente Córdoba of Fontibón, Colombia, also said the Catholic Church does not oppose same-sex couples making a life together, but does not consider such arrangements to be a marriage or a family.