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A papacy all atwitter

Did the Pope do anything else on June 18, 2015? It was a Thursday.    

I count a total of 63 Tweets. Most of them would fit quite well as left wing, Marxist and environmental paganist political spin. I am reminded that this is the day that Laudato si was issued. What a bombardment of political propaganda.

As Barona states in the combox, "Not once was the Holy Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ mentioned." Not once!

Are we really stupid enough to believe that he Tweeted all these? Any of them? He can barely speak English! Did he Tweet these in other languages? Did he sit down with the Secretary of State or Fathers Lombardi or Rosica to say, "This is what I want to Tweet today?"

Look, I've not been gentle with this Pope on what he what he says, bu
t let's be real.

There are people in the Vatican who have a diabolical political agenda who are using the Pope for their own advantage. It is disgusting that they have seized social media for their own use and to do it in the name of the Bishop of Rome, the Vicar of Christ is reprehensible.

The bottom line is this; the Pope himself allows it. Either he is naive and does not know what he is allowing these malefactors to do in his name or does know about it and he is supporting and encouraging it.

Either way, it's a problem.

And this is not magisterial teaching. 

It is utter bovine product of consumption.

  1. Lord, seize us with your power and light, help us to protect all life, to prepare for a better future.
  2. Let us sing as we go. May our struggles and our concern for this planet never take away the joy of our hope.
  3. An integral ecology includes taking time to reflect on our lifestyle and our ideals.
  4. Christian spirituality proposes an alternative understanding of the quality of life.
  5. Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is not a secondary aspect of our Christian experience.
  6. The teachings of the Gospel have direct consequences for our way of thinking, feeling and living.
  7. The emptier a person’s heart is, the more he or she needs to buy, own and consume.
  8. Many things have to change course, but it is we human beings above all who need to change.
  9. Believers must feel challenged to live in a way consonant with their faith.
  10. We know how unsustainable is the behaviour of those who constantly consume and destroy.
  11. A decrease in the pace of production and consumption can at times give rise to another form of progress and development.
  12. Reducing greenhouse gases requires honesty, courage and responsibility.
  13. Interdependence obliges us to think of one world with a common plan.
  14. Leaving an inhabitable planet to future generations is, first and foremost, up to us.
  15. What is at stake is our own dignity.
  16. What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up?
  17. The world we have received also belongs to who will follow us.
  18. Having a home has much to do with a sense of personal dignity and the growth of families.
  19. For indigenous communities, land is not a commodity, but a gift from God, a sacred space.
  20. We need an integrated approach to combating poverty and protecting nature.
  21. It is contrary to human dignity to cause animals to suffer or die needlessly.
  22. The culture of relativism drives one person to take advantage of another, to treat others as mere objects.
  23. Christian thought sees human beings as possessing a particular dignity above other creatures.
  24. There is an urgent need for us to move forward in a bold cultural revolution.
  25. Scientific and technological progress cannot be equated with the progress of humanity and history.
  26. By itself the market cannot guarantee integral human development and social inclusion.
  27. We are learning all too slowly the lessons of environmental deterioration.
  28. It is possible that we don’t grasp the gravity of the challenges before us.
  29. Each age tends to have only a meagre awareness of its own limitations.
  30. Never has humanity had such power over itself, yet nothing ensures that it will be used wisely.
  31. For believers, this becomes a question of fidelity to the Creator.
  32. Earth is essentially a shared inheritance, whose fruits are meant to benefit everyone.
  33. We continue to tolerate some considering themselves more worthy than others.
  34. We should be particularly indignant at the enormous inequalities in our midst.
  35. At times more zeal is shown in protecting other species than in defending the equal dignity of human beings.
  36. A fragile world challenges us to devise intelligent ways of directing, developing and limiting our power.
  37. Every creature is the object of the Father’s tenderness, who gives it its place in the world.
  38. “Creation” has a broader meaning than “nature”; it has to do with God’s loving plan.
  39. Each community has the duty to protect the earth and to ensure its fruitfulness for coming generations.
  40. The present world system is certainly unsustainable from a number of points of view.
  41. We need only to take a frank look at the facts to see that our common home is falling into serious disrepair.
  42. Whatever is fragile, like the environment, is defenceless before the interests of a deified market.
  43. The alliance between economy and technology ends up sidelining anything unrelated to its immediate interests.
  44. Economic interests easily end up trumping the common good.
  45. There is no room for the globalization of indifference.
  46. Developed countries ought to help pay this debt by limiting their consumption of nonrenewable energy.
  47. A true “ecological debt” exists, particularly between the global north and south.
  48. To blame population growth, and not an extreme consumerism on the part of some, is one way of refusing to face the issues.
  49. We have to hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.
  50. The deterioration of the environment and of society affect the most vulnerable people on the planet.
  51. The human environment and the natural environment deteriorate together.
  52. One particularly serious problem is the quality of water available to the poor.
  53. These problems are closely linked to a throwaway culture.
  54. The earth, our home, is beginning to look more and more like an immense pile of filth.
  55. Climate change represents one of the principal challenges facing humanity in our day.
  56. The climate is a common good, belonging to all and meant for all.
  57. “To commit a crime against the natural world is a sin against ourselves and a sin against God.” (Patriarch Bartholomew)
  58. The throwaway culture of today calls for a new lifestyle.
  59. There is a value proper to each creature.
  60. There is a need to seek other ways of understanding the economy and progress.
  61. There is an intimate relationship between the poor and the fragility of the planet.
  62. We need a new dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet.
  63. I invite all to pause to think about the challenges we face regarding care for our common home.

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