Fomenter of Something
As you've probably read by now, Bishop of Rome Bergoglio delivered a nearly hour-long address to the bishops of Italy in Florence. Coupled with yesterday's audience statement on the Eucharist, bread...
View ArticleWhen prominent, intellectual priests in the public square now say that...
This blogger and others have been saying it for days, weeks, months, some of us even nearly three years. We have given examples of what those closest to the Bishop of Rome, Jorge Bergoglio, have said....
View ArticleDe Mattei: The Pharisees and Sadducees of our time
There are many in the Church today who talk of "Pharisees." It's a tactic right out of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. The so-called "theologians," neo-Cath commentators, tweeting priests, bishops...
View ArticleSodomitical heretic Dominican Adriano Oliva
The Order of Preachers has long since ceased to be Catholic. Any man who remains a priest in this rotten Order of Perverts is a fool. Prominent Dominican publishes book claiming Thomas Aquinas said...
View ArticlePervert Protector and Bergoglio confidant and Masonic guest speaker Godfried...
Leader of St. Gallen mafia club Danneels, second from leftIn a statement that has racialist overtones hearkening back to the days of Belgian colonialism in Africa, the pervert-protecting Godfried...
View ArticleWill we always have Paris?
Will we always have Paris? Or will it be lost to a deranged underclass of evil and political response to it that will betray liberty? We have in Paris, a mass murder committed by Muslims. May those...
View ArticleHamilton, Ontario Bishop and President of CCCB Crosby owes an explanation to...
Douglas Crosby, Bishop of Hamilton, President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops and former Pastor at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Ottawa, a parish that continuously dissents on Catholic...
View ArticleWhat France was, she must become again. There is simply no other "Way"
Pope St. Pius XThe allocution Vi Ringrazio (Nov. 29, 1911)9“What shall I say to you now, dear sons of France, who groan beneath the weight of persecution? The people who made an alliance with God at...
View ArticleIs Jorge Bergoglio skirting around what appears to be a heretical notion on...
In a stunning address to the ecclesial community of the heretic Martin Luther in Rome, Jorge Bergoglio Bishop of Rome came as close as he could to mock the Holy Eucharist and hint at his desire for...
View ArticleWhat does Thomas J. Rosica, CSB not get about Islam?
In a blog post, Father Thomas J. Rosica has written that a muslim chant which shall not disgrace this blog does not mean what we think it means. You can read it there.Has he ever read the book that...
View ArticleWitness outs Tommy Rosica's Muslim Dhimmitude
Our good friend Barona knocks down Tom Rosica's statement on Twitter and the Pepper and Darkness blog.I think the Muslims call it DhimmiGet ready to pay your Jizya Tom, or you'll have to give up your...
View ArticleTo my Anonymous and dear, dear friend
My dear Anonymous friend,I received your comment today on a post a few below this one. I publish all comments unless they are derogatory to the Catholic faith, even those which insult and deride me....
View ArticleOh Father Charamsa, look how lovely, your vestment is ready. Father, are you...
There was a bishop in a Canadian diocese once asked, "Is it true, Your Excellency that half of the priests of the Diocese of Nameless are sodomites?To which the now Emeritus replied with a sigh. "If it...
View ArticleCardinal Sarah gives clarity as opposed to those who give scandal
If any priest, bishop, cardinal or even a pope himself orders you out of some threat of obedience to follow error, call him out and let him be anathema!Listen to what a Catholic Cardinal really sound...
View ArticleSykes, Picot, Bush and Obama, you have much to answer for!
Radical Islamofacism along with homosexualism are two sides of the same coin of chastisement that is occurring by the removal of the protecting hand of the Most High because of our sins. When ancient...
View ArticleIf Christmas is such a charade why don't you send the tree back to Bavaria?
The home of Vox and Fox will put lights on and candles in the windows. It will have a Nativity and a Christmas Tree. We will have parties. We will sing songs. We will sacrifice in Advent to eat our...
View ArticleMore killing in the name of the false god - whom do you believe?
Once again we awake to the news that more people are slaughtered in the name of the Islamic god and its false prophet, Mahomet. This time, the victims are in Mali. Reports indicate as in the mall...
View ArticleChrist is King! In the here and now and the hereafter
The last Sunday in October in the traditional Roman Rite, it is the Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the King. In the modern rite it was moved to the last Sunday of the liturgical year. In 1969, the...
View ArticleChrist is not how horror can be overcome - Vatican Radio
The modernist and heretical and masonic liars free under Jorge Bergoglio to run amok in the Church and to lie to the world have done it again. "It is through education that horrors can be overcome."...
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