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Al Massih Issa Ibnolla calls to you


O Muslim, when will you open your mind and heart to the truth. He was tempted by Shaytan in the desert, He did not succumb to the deceit. Why would He destroy the very instrument which he used to save us?

Al Massih Issa Ibnolla! He is the very God united with the Father and the Holy Spirit, One God, in Three Persons, undivided in unity.

They have lied to you. They were lied to themselves. They are in the grasp of the devil himself, of Shaytan, as you call him. 

Issa, came to earth, announced by Gabriel born of Maryam as you believe. But you have been lied to. Issa Massh Ibnolla died on the Cross and did rise again to free us from death and lead us to life. As He came for me, so too He came for you, O Muslim, because He loved you even before you were born. Have you ever been told that? 

Massih Issa Ibnolla brings you love and life; not death, not murder, not immolation, not destruction.

Issa loves you and lives.

Come to Him.

He loves you.

Free yourself from bondage. Free yourself from slavery and submission. Serve Him from love and joy and humility not from fear or tyranny. He waits for you. Look at his countenance, look at his open arms.

He gave himself for you. He died for you and rose from the dead that you might be saved. 

Can we ask: Has the Church's pastoral advice been wrong?

Has the Church's pastoral advice since Vatican II been wrong on Islam? That is a provocative question for a faithful Catholic to ask. Let me explain.

We know that all revelation ended with the death of the last apostle, Saint John the Evangelist. To say otherwise is heresy. Of course, Muslims believe the Gospels were corrupted and that Jesus was a Muslim, himself.

Look, we can't both be right. There is no convergence, there is certainly no "Chrislam" as some deceived "Christians" and one-world religion globalists would like to see. This is not only heresy but real and true blasphemy.

The Second Vatican Council and the Popes since, have confused us in the message that they have sent in the desire for what is dialogue and a false oecumenism. They have allowed millions of souls to perish into Hell -- souls of our Muslim brothers and sisters lost forever to the father of lies who spawned their founder, I will not use the word, prophet, if he even existed at all.

Our last three popes have prayed in a mosque or invited prayer with their religious leaders. The current Bishop of Rome even invited an Imam to pray in the Vatican. Objectively speaking in my opinion for whatever it is worth, it is a real blasphemy (a word in the news lately) and a sin against the First Commandment.  I cannot believe that this is the will of Our Blessed Lord. Calling all to Him? Yes. The fact that we are not is the problem.

According to current Church thinking, Muslims "profess" the God of Abraham. They have at best a warped and severely distorted view of God. They deny the Blessed Trinity and vehemently so, it is one of the fundamental issues between us and they are explicit about this. They deny the divinity of Christ and His Sonship. They deny his crucifixion and his resurrection and the apostles and their followers were all liars. It is a political system and a false religion with its roots in Arianism. Yet at the same time, they believe that Jesus is the Messiah who will come again, not to reign as King of kings and Lord of lords but to usher in the Caliph whom they call the "Mahdi" and then be subservient to him, destroy crosses (churches), wipe-out swine, (what, no more bacon?) end the jizya (murder Christians) and tell all Christians that he himself, Jesus, is a Muslim and then command us to follow the Mahdi and those that refuse to submit (which is what Islam means) will be killed. This is Islamic eschatology friends. 

Does this not sound like the Antichrist himself spoken of in the Apocalypse of St. John with worship directed to him by another? Does he not come on the scene amidst strife and unify to rule over the whole earth? Is worship of him not directed by another? Islam is from Hell friends, notwithstanding Vatican II and the non-doctrinal, non-dogmatic and non-magisterial actions of our recent popes.  This is the religion of Islam that the Catholic Church's popes pray with and dialogue with. Am I crazy to think this or are they for doing what they do?

Have you wondered about the coming together of the radical left, Islamo-fascist and lately? Even though they hate each other, they hate the Church more and they think that after they wipe out the Church and the Jews, then one will prevail and wipe the other out.

The world is burning with rage and it is going to get worse. The Catholic Church, the creation of Our Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of the world has lost its way. Until we return to "preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified" no matter what the price, the world will not find its way and people will die and souls will be lost. 

All Muslim need to come to Jesus and His Church.

Are all Muslims evil or terrorists? Of course not; but they are deceived. There are 1.5 billion in the world, about the same number as Catholics. How many need to believe in violence and murder and jihad and the Mahdi to cause mayhem? Give me a percentage? Ten, twenty, fifty per-cent? How many are "moderate" whatever that means. Look, if 1% of Muslims are radical and believe in sharia and jihad that is 15,000,000 people. One per cent!

Think about that number for a second.

Let us bombard the Most Blessed Trinity to grant us Our Blessed Mother's protection and the Consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart. The errors of Russia have spread to the Church and the West, they have infiltrated the highest offices in both, the smoke is thick with sulphur and the prowling is underway. We cannot evangelise our lost brothers and sister in Islam because we have been weakened by heresy and apostasy. Only by heavenly grace poured out on a united Christianity renewed and reborn in both East and West can we shine the Light of Christ upon them.

Can Our Blessed Mother who appeared at Fatima (a name loved by our Muslim brethren) who love her own name of Maryam spoken of eloquently in their book, the Koran, want them lost forever? She has appeared not only at Fatima but in Zeitoun n Egypt approved by the Church there; and some think she is now appearing in Mosul. Make no mistake, all of these things are intricately connected. Fatima and Russia, Russia and Islam, Putin and Ukraine and these butchers in black. It is all connected and there is only one answer and the answer is Jesus Christ. 

The Consecration of Russia has not happened. The action of it by the Pope in unity with all the bishops of the world will bring forth from heaven grace and power unseen in all history and there will be peace and a renewed Church. Remember, Our Lady said it will be done, but unlike the failure to consecrate France to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, it will not be "too late" but only "late." When it happens, the Church will mourn for what it did not do. For the millions of lives lost on earth and souls lost to heaven. It will do penance for it and we will look back and see what could have been prevented.

It is time for the bishops and cardinals and the pope himself to wake up from this error which has been spread through the Bride of Christ.

The time is short.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

* * * 

William Kilpatrick taught for many years at Boston College. He is the author of several books about cultural and religious issues, including Psychological Seduction; Why Johnny Can’t Tell Right From Wrong; and Christianity, Islam and Atheism: The Struggle for the Soul of the West. He is also the author of a new book entitled Insecurity. His articles have appeared in numerous publications, including Catholic World Report, National Catholic Register, Aleteia, Saint Austin Review, Investor’s Business Daily, and FrontPage Magazine. His work is supported in part by the Shillman Foundation.

He has written three essay for Crisis Magazine and they deserve to be read, absorbed and distributed widely.



Another article to read and writer to follow is Raymond Ibrahim. Here I recommend, The True History of Christianity and Islam.

Raymond Ibrahim is a Middle East and Islam specialist and author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians (2013) and The Al Qaeda Reader (2007). His writings have appeared in a variety of media, including the Los Angeles Times, Washington Times, Jane’s Islamic Affairs Analyst, Middle East Quarterly, World Almanac of Islamism, and Chronicle of Higher Education; he has appeared on MSNBC, Fox News, C-SPAN, PBS, Reuters, Al-Jazeera, NPR, Blaze TV, and CBN. Ibrahim regularly speaks publicly, briefs governmental agencies, provides expert testimony for Islam-related lawsuits, and testifies before Congress. He is a Shillman Fellow, David Horowitz Freedom Center; a CBN News contributor; a Media Fellow, Hoover Institution (2013); and a Judith Friedman Rosen Writing Fellow, Middle East Forum . Ibrahim’s dual-background -- born and raised in the U.S. by Coptic Egyptian parents born and raised in the Middle East -- has provided him with unique advantages, from equal fluency in English and Arabic, to an equal understanding of the Western and Middle Eastern mindsets, positioning him to explain the latter to the former.

Pope's Persecutor of FF guilty of defamation! Will the Pope correct the injustice?


BREAKING at RORATE: Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate Commissioner Volpi admits guilt of defamation and lies

Must pay 20,000 euros, make public apology

Will Pope Francis allow what's left of the FFI to survive?

The chickens have come home to roost for Pope Francis' Apostolic Commissioner of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate (FFI), Fr. Fidenzio Volpi, and possibly just in the nick of time. 
Volpi meets Pope Francis the day the FI seminary was closed.

Rorate Caeli contributor Francesca Romana has translated the first report from Chiesa e post concilio reporting that Fr. Volpi will pay the family of Franciscans of the Immaculate founder Fr. Manelli a large cash sum for his "defamation and lies" and make public apologies on all websites he runs and in a letter to all FI friars and nuns. 

For regular readers of this blog, you know that Fr. Volpi was brought in for just one reason: to crush one of the fastest-growing, traditional-minded religious orders in the world -- but not on his own: as he admitted in the past, he was "specifically ordered by the Vicar of Christ," Pope Francis to carry out his mission.

Our questions now are simple:

Will Pope Francis now finally rein this man in and force his boot of the throat of an order that only wants to serve God as the saints have all served Him for two millennia?

And will Pope Francis finally end this unjust commissioning and allow the poor friars who have had to flee the grip of this cruel man to return to their sworn vows and live out the remainder of their vocations in peace? We pray to hear in the affirmative soon. 

From Italian blog Chiesa e post concilio:

Is this a fruit of the Rosaries and fervent prayers at Santa Maria Maggiore?
For the moment the only source is Don Camillo (a priest blogger) whom I know is close to the Manelli family; for this reason I trust the source and thank him for the information. Original text [click] here

Is the justice of men more efficient than ecclesiastical justice - of the new-church that is - which seems to have just discovered Mercy only today?

I’m wondering though, why Don Camillo can attribute what happened, to Benedict XVI, seeing that the Decree of the Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, wherein the Commissioning of the Franciscans of the Immaculate is laid out, with the subsequent destitution of the Founder and General Minster of the religious Institute (and its Council),  is  dated 11th July 2013.

The Decree, signed by the Cardinal Prefect, João Braz de Aviz and by the Archbishop Secretary, José Carballo, OFM, deprived the Superiors of the Franciscans of the Immaculate of any authority, entrusting the government of the Institute to an "Apostolic Commissioner”, Father Fidenzio Volpi, a Capuchin. A decree, what’s more, that doesn’t mention any misdeed, nor acts expressly and directly against the good of the Religious  Institute.  And with no reference to any question or motivation that regard properly faith, morals or discipline.

And it was confirmed in writing by Pope Francis, which made any recourse to appeal not possible.

I have never involved myself too much regarding the situation of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, but a sentence emitted by the  Mediation Organism (Organismo di Mediazione forense) of the Roman Tribunal on the 12th of February is just too juicy!

The Facts:

On December 8th 2013, Father Fidenzio Volpi wrote in a letter:

“A thing which is extremely grave – and  I bring to your official knowledge only now – was the transfer of assets of moveable goods and immovable real estate, belonging to the Institute, to lay people, known as spiritual sons (or daughters) and family members of the Founder, Father Stefano M. Manelli, and also to some parents of the nuns.” Father Volpi continues: “Such maneuvers, gravely illicit from a moral and canonical point of view, with repercussions in the civil and penal sphere, occurred after the nomination of the Apostolic Commissioner, thus manifesting the will to subtract such funds from the control of the Holy See.” The Commissioner tries to conceal the measures regarding it: “Those who have done or permitted all of this have fallen into grave fault, and, if a religious,  are subject to severe canonical sanctions. Something similar has taken place also in the works of the apostolate: the publishing house, and television.”

[…] Well then, for these lies Father Volpi,  [after] negotiating with the entire Manelli Family, whose honour was damaged, and consequently having admitted his crime of defamation and lies on February 12th 2015, as fair compensation, will have to pay 20,000 Euros to the Manelli Family, plus all legal expenses, the publication of a public apology on internet sites run by him, as well as circular letters to all of the friars and nuns.  

Justice has been done!

Preach to all Our Lord Jesus Christ and Him Crucified

Courtesy of Traditional Catholic Priest, this is something we should all reflect on.

A sculpture of Our Lord Jesus Christ based upon the image on the Shroud of Turin.

"All you who pass this way, look and see if there be any sorrow like unto His sorrow!"

Ya Yassou'a


This is a still from the video put out by the Islamic butchers who did this in the name of the false prophet and antichrist Mahomet. Note the translation: "The people of the cross, the followers of the hostile Egyptian Church." That's rich. The Coptic Church was founded by St. Mark the Evangelist. Egypt was Christian before Rome!

A contact in Syria watched the whole video.

It will comfort you to know that as they were being slaughered they could be heard praying the Lords Prayer and shouting out "Ya  Yassou'a" -- Oh Jesus!

Pope Francis has issued a statement:

Speaking in Spanish to an ecumenical delegation from the Church of Scotland, the Holy Father noted those killed only said “Jesus help me.”
“They were murdered just for the fact they were Christians,” Pope Francis said.
“The blood of our Christian brothers is a witness that cries out,” said the Pope.  “If they are Catholic, Orthodox, Copts, Lutherans, it is not important: They are Christians. The blood is the same: It is the blood which confesses Christ.''
Pope Francis said that in remembering “these brothers who have been killed simply for confessing Christ,” Christians should encourage one another in the ecumenical goal, noting the “ecumenism of blood.”

“The martyrs are from all the Christians,” he said.

There names are now written in the Book.

They are:

1- Samuel Ilham Wilson
2- Izzat Boshry Nassif
3- Luqa Nagati
4- Issam Badar Samir
5- Malak Farag Ibrahim
6- Sameh Salah Farouq Manqrowis
7- Gaber Munir Adli
8- Maged Slaiman Shihata
9- Abanub Ayad Attiya
10- Youssef Shokry Younan
11- Hany Abdel Massih Salib
12- Kerollos Boshry Fawzy
13- Milad Makin Zaki
14- Makram Youssef Tawadros
15- Samuel Estefanos Kamel
16- Bishoy Estefanos Kamel
17- Mina Fayez Aziz
18- Malak Ibrahim Tanyut
19- Guirguis Milad Tanyut
20- Bishoy Adel
21- An African Christian brother

Source: Maspero Youth Union

Really Father Rosica?

Father Tom Rosica: Are you calling Cardinal Burke, a "dissenter?"

Father Tom Rosica is a spokesman for the Vatican. One would presume that someone in such an important and sensitive and influential position would be prudent with his personal opinions and the use of social media. It leaves one to ask an honest question; Is this his own opinion? Is it that of Father Lombardi's and the Office of Social Communication? Is it the Holy Father's? Or is it an attempt to smear and obfuscate the truth. I've written elsewhere that the tactics of Saul Alinsky are not unknown to this cleric.

In the post one below, I wrote that if one sends a "Re-Tweet" it would imply that one would agree with the original.

Cardinal Wuerl is interviewed by Andrea Tornielli in Vatican Insider. While Wuerl does not single out Cardinal Burke directly he does allude to "an interview" and "an article." It seems to have left no doubt in Tornielli; mind since he lead with a headline linking Cardinal Burke within "dissenters." This no doubt refers to a recent interview with Cardinal Burke where he stated that he would "resist" hypothetically an attempt by the pope to change the law on Holy Communion for the divorced and remarried without an annulment.

How disingenuous is it of Cardinal Wuerl to suggest that Cardinal Burke is a dissenter, which would include your writer and probably you as well. There was a time when the word meant someone that dissented from the truth of the faith. Now it seems to mean that it is someone who upholds it.

Father Rosica "Tweeted" the article with the headline "Cardinal Wuerl's response to Cardinal Burke (and dissenters)" and a link to the article. His followers cannot be faulted if they just read the headline and take up the believe that Cardinal Burke is one bad guy, after all, he is a "dissenter."

It seems to it is time for Father Lombardi to make a decision as to whether this Vatican employee needs to be either reigned in on social media or sent packing to preside over the winding down of Salt + Light.

Nota Bene: My colleague Barona at Toronto Catholic Witness and I are resolute. We will not fail in our countering of the assault on the faith and tradition that these men continue to undertake against Holy Mother Church and the Catholic faithful.

Make no mistake Wuerl, Marx, Madriaga, Kasper and Rosica, we will not rest.

Please pray for us.

Let us pray for one another and our suffering brethren


As our Lent begins, let us dedicate ourselves to praying for one another and for the suffering of our Christian brothers and sisters who suffer at this time.

May we carry the crosses of daily life with patience and joy. For those crosses which we have that are bearing us down, may we be granted the grace to bear it. For those who suffer illness and sorrow let us bear them in mind.

For all of these let us be united and offer up to the Father in the name of Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ for His glorious use.

May we beg for mercy for our grievous sins that have offended our good God.

God bless you all and let us pray for one another.

Vox, Fox and Rox

This blogger being threatened with a lawsuit by a prominent Vatican official

















































































The persecution of the FFI - St. Maximilian will take care of his spiritual children

A day in the life of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate courtesy of Rorate Caeli Blog.

The history is not yet written, it is still in progress.

The men who did this to the FFI are not smart; no, not very, not a one; but they are crafty. 

They have never been parents and do not understand that when you tell a child they can't do something they want to know why. If you prevent them from doing something without explanation or justice, they will do it anyway, in spite of you!

Truth cannot be suppressed.

Break them up and some or most will become priests anyway. They will shut-up and get ordained.

Go ahead and persecute.

Persecution is the seed.

What a wonderful Catholic world

Dear Friends,

I want to take this opportunity to express to the thousands of Catholic people around the world a thanksgiving from myself and my family for the outpouring of prayers, rosaries and Masses, sacrifices of personal illnesses offered up, emails, Tweets and comments. However, there is one in particular which was incredibly moving and prayerful. A few days ago, Mr. Gareth Thomas of Spain did a most wonderful thing. As a result of that gesture of fraternal charity, I received a letter which was overwhelming in its beauty and wisdom. Please let us remember that all is not lost and that there are many fatherly and faithful Shepherds in the Church and one of them is His Excellency Athanasius Schneider.

It has been one week since my last blog post whatever that was about, it seems so long that I can hardly remember. I've been itching to get back. First, I have no doubt that you all want to know what is happening with whatever it is that has kept me away from blogging. Let me say simply that "Patience is power" according to Venerable Fulton Sheen and "Patience is not an absence of action; rather it is "timing" it waits on the right time to act for the right principles and in the right way." 

Rome seems to be in chaos, eh? We have the theft of the book by the five Cardinals for the Synod Fathers Remaining in the Truth of Christ (which was my Christmas present from Fox) to the admission by the much troubled Theodore McCarrick (you can search for the filth) a retired Cardinal from Washington. Seems that they just can't resist a video camera. Thank the LORD for the Internet. It seems that the octogenarian eminence was "lobbied" to vote for Jorge Bergoglio. "Talk him up!" he was told. 

Well that is lobbying and it is against Canon Law; but then, one would need to have respect for the law to obey it.  There are some pretty serious implications to this -- from the potential of excommunication to the calling into question the factors around the overall election of Pope Francis and its implications.

Life was getting too soft since I married Fox. I've been given a cross and it is heavy laden to be sure but it is not fair to her ; because of your prayers and Masses and the One whose "yoke is easy and his burthen is light" it is not too hard for us to carry.  

The Second Coming - not of Our Lord but of the German Schism

For Lee, et al.

It may be possible to write a whole blog or website dedicated solely to the corruption within the Catholic Church in Germany and each day add a new chapter to this tragedy. The spirit of Luther, Weishaupt, Marx, von Bismarck, Hitler, Hegel have combined over the centuries to influence the Church in a most anti Catholic way. The Masonic, Illuminist and Protestant philosophies have poisoned the minds of generations of clerics and professors that is near universal there.

Over the last few months I have focused a number of posts on the situation. We have begged Pope Francis to distance himself from the corruption and to rebuke them and it has not come; it has only gotten worse. The pornographic publishing empire held by the German bishops conference continues in its filthy ways with no attempt to shut it down and repent of this abomination and crime before the Lord and Our Lady. Can it be possible that Pope Francis is unaware of its existence? It hardly seems possible. Benedict XVI was aware of it and demanded action on the part of the German bishops and he was ignored. The porn matter is not first time that our beloved Papa Ratzinger was disobeyed by these men One example is the translation of "pro multis" which has been correctly rendered as "for many" now in English. In German (amongst others in transition) it is still translated as "for all" and will remain so for now. Pope Benedict XVI wrote to the German bishops for a corrected translation and yet again, he was disobeyed in spite of his theological and scriptural dissertation. Can there be any doubt the poor man fled for the fear of the wolves? 

Cologne diocese has announced that its wealth is over 3.8 billion euros with 2.4 billion euros invested in stocks funds and company holdings. I imagine the pornographic publisher is somewhere in there. What other companies does the Church own in stocks? Drug companies producing contraceptive/abortifacient drugs? Drugs used for euthanasia in Holland, Belgium and Switzerland? According to Crux, they have nearly 650 million euros in tangible assets, mostly property (other than parish churches valued at $1 or euro?) and cash reserves of 287 million euros. The German bishops are paid the equivalent of over $150,000 US per year and these men will deny the sacraments to those who don't keep filling their coffers. This lead us to the kirchensteuer, the outdated and corrupt tax levy of Germans paid directly to the churches and synagogues by the government after taking a little off the top for themselves. 

Who can forget the legendary Kasper, a material heretic if there ever were one and euro-centric elitist of all things African whose machinations and manipulations at the Synod on the Family is validated by those beyond the civil courts such as Raymond Cardinal Burke, George Cardinal Pell, Cardinal Napier and His Excellency, Athanasius Schneider amongst others.  Let me say that again -- in case you did not get it the first time (see Canon 212§3), "machinations and manipulations." 

Cardinal Marx

Now, we have the German Cardinal Marx (what is it about that name?) stating; "We are no subsidiaries of Rome, Each conference of  bishops is responsible for pastoral care in its culture, and must, as its most proper task, preach the Gospel on our own. We cannot wait for a synod to tell us how we have to shape pastoral care for marriage and family here."

Now, it all becomes clear.

When Kasper insulted our African brothers and sisters (the Fox is born in South Africa of Irish, Dutch French and African descent) and mocked them in his arrogant, euro-centric, xenophobic, paternalistic, condescending and racist tone, "they should not tell us too much what to do" there was more there then, than most picked up. I stated in discussions what Kasper and these Germans were up to -- let the Africans be "bigots" we Germans, we are better after all, we are efficient and much superior to these, you go your way, we'll go ours. I said it then: It is the German Catholic Church, that is what these manipulators, these traitorous prelates and their minions are out to accomplish. The logical step of a false collegiality as promoted by a hermeneutic of rupture from the Rhineland influence and domination at the Second Vatican Council. Isn't this one of the critical doctrinal points of the SSPX? 

Now we can begin to put the pieces together - it is just too obvious, they have shown their cards.

Theodore McCarrick, the former Cardinal Archbishop of Washington has revealed his part in what appears to be a lobby effort to elect Jorge Cardinal Bergoglio as Pope.  He would only need "five years" to have the Church "back on track" McCarrick himself, with a special interest in extra-curricular activities, says it for all to hear in the video. Schism in on the horizon de facto or de jure remains to be seen but schism, no doubt. They needed to ensure that they could elect someone that would be sympathetic to their cause. Hence the apparent lobbying effort. 

Each bishops conference will do what it wants with pastoral practice under a static universal doctrine appearing to be Catholic and catered to its own needs. The doctrine will change because pastoral practice will be adapted. This is not Catholic, it is heresy. We are on to them and the evidence is out there for all to see if we are prepared to call it out for what it is. The videos of the speeches exist because these men in their prideful arrogance began letting it out well over a year ago - only now it is all coming together for us to see.

These men are not Catholics, they may be barely Christians. They are Protestants, and they are heretics and they are leading souls to Hell. They are Judases who have betrayed Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church created to save humanity. They are radical and they preach a false ecumenism - they have lost the faith in the Real Presence, if they ever really had it because if they really believed, they would not do it. They are the "synthesis" of all heretics, they are modernists!

The Pope is the guardian of doctrinal truth. He must act as Pope in the face of these men who would seek to cause schism in the holy Catholic Church.

Know this friend. You are not going to be warned about this on Patheos, on Crux by reading The Tablet or the National Catholic Reporter. You may not even get it from EWTN or the National Catholic Register and you certainly won't get it in Canada in our print or cable media; so we here are left to hope for a few brave bishops that might find their Catholic heart and their anatomy. You will be able, over the next nine months to find the truth in many places, blogs and speciality on line media and it will not come from those you expect to tell you the truth but whose bread is buttered by these men. To me personally, that is quite obvious and the silence is deafening.

You and I have a responsibility as articulated in that referred to Canon. If the last week has taught us anything and as if October wasn't enough to remind us, we have an ability that no generation before us has had. We have an opportunity that our parents and grandparents did not have -- carry the torch for them and fight the fight that they could not wage. 

When these prelates, these clericalists tell you that you're not competent or qualified read them the Canon and then tell them this as a friend in Scotland said to me today -- "you raped our children and you gave us the example of dissent from the pulpit, who are you that we should listen to you now?"

Now go make a mess.

A Saturday update

Dear Friends, 

You are so good and I am so blest. I can say little at this time and I know that you understand that. Suffice to say this; we are still here and we have no intention of going away.

When people ignorant of the law and the truth, or those with no respect for either mock it and then mock you, remember what the oldest system of codified law in the world has to say:

From The Code of Canon Law Canon:
Can. 212 §3. According to the knowledge, competence, and prestige which they (i.e. the laity) possess, they have the right and even at times the duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church and to make their opinion known to the rest of the Christian faithful, without prejudice to the integrity of faith and morals, with reverence toward their pastors, and attentive to common advantage and the dignity of persons."
Say prayers this weekend for the situation please, that grace will abound and good sense will prevail; it shan't be long from here.

Thank you once again for all your prayers and messages; they are a tremendous boost to us ; and please pray for my wife who is also bearing this. It is not fair to her.

May our blessed Lord and His Mother protect us all and may St. Michael the Archangel battle for us!

God bless you.


Postscript: My friend Damian Goddard has posted something that I had forgotten all about. It was a little experiment we both did together as he was developing his IgniteTV project. You can turn the music player off above at the top left in order to hear the video below. Please pay Damo a visit and meet another brother in the battle for Christ and His Church! 

Grand Orient Masonic Lodge of Italy - Martini, McCarrick and how nothing would be the same again

Oh we have so much we could write but instead, I'll just give you these pictures and links to a couple of other sites and a search for you to find it all. I have written previously of the comment, "nothing will be the same again" as stated by the Grande Oriente d'Italia upon the election of Pope Francis. The Masonic Press Agency was publicising it as well and leave most of it for you to find and spread to all the Catholic world.

A few days ago, we had the breaking news that former Archbishop of Washington Theodore Cardinal McCarrick, indicated that he was lobbied to vote for Jorge Bergoglio.

So let us see, we have a powerful man telling this Cardinal that said that Jorge Bergoglio can change it in five years and one that could potentially be blackmailed to make it so and talk him up and then when it all happens the Lodge issues a statement that "nothing will be the same."

Oh, one more thing; they failed in 2005 when Joseph Ratzinger was elected as Pope. Martini was their man and when they couldn't get him elected they drove the gentle Pope from his office.

You can figure the rest out.

So be it.

Italian Fremasonry praises Pope Francis I -01

Italian Masonry praises Cardinal Martini

Card Martini was a freemason

Father Timothy Scott, CSB's brand of toothpaste

Earlier this week there was a blow-up in the blogosphere due to some fine work by Michael Voris and his staff at Church Militant TV to uncover a Twitter feed of Congregation of St. Basil spokesman Father Timothy Scott, CSB wherein he used the profanity STFU in a note to Raymond Cardinal Burke which was on-line for the world to see. Once discovered, Father Scott took the post down and then once the matter became more public thanks to Mr. Voris, Father Scott disabled his Twitter account and apologised. Michael Voris has provided an update to the story as the removal as spokesman of the Congregation was "based on a partial truth from the Vicar General of the Basilians." Voris added that "we were misled to believe Fr. Scott had been "fired" for his tweet, when in fact he had been removed as spokesman last July for unrelated reasons." Father Scott, CSB still continues in his role at the Canadian Religious Conference.

Conference notes

In an address to the Conference on October 3, 2013, Father Scott indicated that he was "amazed at the "Francis effect" and refers to his belief that the "Holy Spirit (who) clearly blows where she wills" (my emphasis). During the talk Father also indicated that "Social media is radically restructuring the way we communicate." Reflecting on Pope Benedict XVI. Father Scott believes that he "suffers in comparison" to Pope Francis. Father Scott states that he "felt a collective embarrassment" by Pope Benedict XVI's desire to ensure doctrinal orthodoxy by "rein(ing) in canonically the LCWR"(Leadership Conference of Women Religious) the American equivalent for religious sisters to the Canadian Religious Conference. Father Scott states that as far as Pope Francis is concerned, it is his view that law and doctrine are "the least of his concerns."

More Tweets

With special thanks shouted out to a reader who provided this shot of another Tweet by Father Scott from October 14, 2014 at 7:59AM wherein Father refers to Synod14 and that "it feels like a few folks want to put the toothpaste back in the tube, Good luck with that." 

So that we can all remember the document issued only the very day before Father provided the above Tweet; let us reproduce it here and let us note that this still remains on the Vatican web site at:


It seems then that yes, it is very hard to put the toothpaste back in the tube.

It is also very hard to remove Twitter forever, so be careful what you Tweet!

I'll refrain from comment or editorial opinion, for now, but the combox is open, as always.

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne and the children - hers and yours

wynne_couple3.jpgFor those readers visiting this blog from outside of Ontario the provincial government here has introduced a new curriculum that will provide explicit sexual education to our children. Those in Ontario should be well familiar with it by now and if not, you had better get familiar with it, and now! 

I have written about it before on numerous occasions and the association between the Premier, Kathleen Wynne pictured on the right with her "partner" and the convicted child pornographer Benjamin Levin, a professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education and former Assistant Deputy Minister of Education in the Government of Ontario's Ministry of Education. Levin, who even tried to entice a mother to abuse her own child on camera for his filthy pursuits wrote this curriculum originally under the previous government. The topics for elementary children, including those in our Catholic schools include so-called same-sex marriage, multiple gender identity, oral copulation, masturbation, sodomy and so on beginning in the first grade.

For all those Catholics and other Christians out there who voted a few months ago for the Liberal government in Ontario, what did you think was going to happen?

Elections have consequences and you are now the victim, or should I say, your children will be the victims. Do you really want your little girl to come home one day and talk about fellatio over the pasta? How about your little boy coming home and telling you he is going to masturbate tonight because they learnt it in school today.

Premier Wynne, herself a lesbian, has called parents opposed to the change in curriculum "homophobic." Wynne was married with three children and invited her lesbian lover to move in to the master bedroom while her husband ended up in the basement. The destruction of her own family is documented in a book which she and they participated in; now it is playing out for yours as is quite clearly demonstrated at Henry Makow, Ph.D.









Raymond Cardinal Burke on suing Catholic Bloggers - "I certainly don't think that's the way we as Catholics should deal with these matters"

Adfero at the Rorate Caeli blog announced on Twitter on Saturday evening an exclusive interview with a Cardinal wherein reference would be made to lawsuits of bloggers.

The entire interview is reprinted below courtesy of Rorate Caeli blog with my emphasis in bold.



Follow @RorateCaeli on Twitter

Last week, Rorate Caeli interviewed Raymond Cardinal Burke via telephone on numerous topics. Nothing was off the table for this interview and His Eminence was incredibly generous with his time. He showed himself to be brilliant and yet filled with humility. And his care and concern for traditional Catholics must be acknowledged and appreciated.

In this wide-ranging interview, His Eminence talked about issues ripped from the news such as: Vatican officials threatening to sue bloggers; more priests coming under his authority; the dismantling of the Franciscans of the Immaculate; how traditional Catholics can save their souls in this modern world -- and get their children the sacraments in the traditional rite in the face of dissenting bishops; priestly celibacy; daily confusion from Pope Francis; and much, much more. 

Please visti this link to link to Rorate Caeli blog for the whole article.

Click here to follow @RorateCaeli on Twitter

LIFESITENEWS Reports on Cardinal Burke: "Catholics shouldn't sue one another"


Bernard Levin - evil incarnate and his political progeny

The guilty plea of former aid to Ontario Premier Wynne and associate of Justin Trudeau, Bernard Levin has occurred.

The perversion is extreme.

John Laws at Jonah in the Heart of Nineveh has been logging Tweets from Sam Sotiropoulos at the courtroom.

I cannot put the filth on this blog. You can read for yourself and dwell for a moment on the man behind the Ontario Government's new sex curriculum.

You can also visit Everyday for Life Canada for there take on our Premier her Minister and their duplicitous actions and what a psychiatrist thinks as reported by LifeSiteNews.

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