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Church in Canada: Campaign for Life and Against Secularism


Church in Canada: Campaign for Life and Against Secularism

(Ottawa) hardly noticed by the Catholic public is a major confrontation between Catholic faithful on the one hand and modernist shepherds and their secular apparatus found in Canada on the other. 
This is particularly striking, since Canada was once upon a time, despite being long problematic, a fertile area for the Roman Catholic Church.
In the East, for more than four centuries of French-speaking Catholic presence there were many great missionaries, including many Jesuits, many martyrs, there was active missionary activity and deep roots in the French-Canadian population.
In the western part of  Anglophone Canada there is a strong presence of immigrants from Catholic countries with strong influences from the United States and Great Britain, both religious and typical characteristics as usually occurs through contact and dealing with Anglican and Protestant denominations.

Father Thomas J. Rosica, CSB on threat of lawsuit against blogger Vox Cantoris - "the matter is now closed"



A message from Father Thomas J. Rosica, CSB
March 4, 2015
From today’s first reading at Mass
Jeremiah 18:18-20
 The people of Judah and the citizens of Jerusalem said,“Come, let us contrive a plot against Jeremiah.It will not mean the loss of instruction from the priests,nor of counsel from the wise, nor of messages from the prophets.And so, let us destroy him by his own tongue;let us carefully note his every word.”
Heed me, O LORD, and listen to what my adversaries say.Must good be repaid with evil
that they should dig a pit to take my life? Remember that I stood before you to speak in their behalf, to turn away your wrath from them.
As the CEO of the Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation and Television Network, I am not a high-ranking Vatican official nor a member of the hierarchy of the Church as erroneously claimed in several recent blogs.  In addition to my work at Salt and Light, I have had the privilege of serving since 2013 in a volunteer capacity as English language assistant to the Holy See Press Office.  I relate on a daily basis to hundreds of English language journalists around the world.  I know that this daily service has been encouraged and appreciated by the Vatican and by hundreds of journalists all over the world.
I fully support the teaching of the Church and welcome Pope Francis’ invitation to the whole Church to reflect seriously on the foundations of our faith. The recent Extraordinary Synod of Bishops has invited us to mature, honest dialogue and conversation and to find new ways and a new language to communicate the ancient story of the Church and our beautiful, unchanging doctrine to future generations.
Mature expressions of differences are welcome.  It is one thing to have differing opinions on church matters. However, there is fine line between difference of opinion and blatant destruction of person’s lives and reputations. Having been strongly advised to respond, as an individual and in no institutional capacity to the Vatican or to my place of work, to the continuous false, slanderous statements of a blogger over a long period of time that resulted in gross distortion, misinformation, many phone calls, letters and clear threats from callers based on the repeated false information contained in the blog, it was never my intention to sue, but rather to issue a letter to “cease and desist” the frivolous calumny. A legal firm, offering its service pro bono to us, issued a letter to cease and desist. No lawsuit was ever launched against the blogger! The matter is now closed.
Popes Benedict XVI and Francis have taught clearly that the Internet and blogs can be of tremendous service to the up-building of the Church and of humanity. They have never taught that blogs and social media should be used, in the name of fidelity, to engender slander, hatred, reviling and destroying.
In a world torn apart by hatred, terror and violence, often through the gross distortion of religion, we must be much more attentive to our use of social media and how it is used to unite rather than destroy humanity. Many in the Catholic blogosphere have contributed enormously to the spread of the faith, the defense of all that is good and beautiful about our faith and our Church, and the opening of dialogue among strangers. They are to be congratulated and encouraged. Others have chosen to turn the blogosphere into a black hole of vitriol, anger and profound sadness. As Catholics, the great privilege and freedom of expression and access to social media also have certain obligations of decency, integrity, honesty and charity that reveal who we really are as a faith community.
Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB
CEO, Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation
 * * *


Dear Friends,
1. The first action on the part of this blogger after receiving the letter from Fogler, Rubinoff LLP was to "take it to the Church." This means that your writer went directly to Rome -- to the Vatican on Tuesday, February 17, via email to a direct contact in the Secretariat of State. The request on my part was to intervene "quickly" and this request was not fulfilled. Instead, I was met with an interrogation of my "intentions" which could have been used against me. Later the suggestion was made to humbly accept it as a Lenten sacrifice on Ash Wednesday morning and "apologise" which would have been an admission of guilt for something that did not occur and would have resulted in the silencing and censoring of the blog and a refutation of my rights and duties under Canon 212 §3.
2. Our response to the original letter of Fogler Rubinoff LLP, suggested that Canon Law was the appropriate vehicle and should have been chosen for any perceived grievance.  
3. Our suggestion was not only rebuffed but resulted in new demands including what would have been complete censorship of me and this blog in certain areas meaning by extension, no commentary on the Synod this October and even no linking indirectly to certain commentary on the Synod.
4. Our response to that continued threat of litigation was to advise that we would no longer engage in a campaign of letters and lawfare resulting in a slow and painful bankruptcy. We advised that as of the close of business on March 3, 2015, we would begin to prepare a robust defense should it become necessary and a crowd-funding campaign to finance a rigorous defense.
My wife Francoise and I extend to all of you our gracious thanks for your prayers, your letters, emails and Tweets and messages, phone calls and your offers of financial support should it have become necessary. Believe me, this has been incredibly hard and painful for her over these last two weeks. We pray that we can humbly offer this up to God our Father united with the Cross of Jesus Christ for reparation and for conversion. 
Friends, we have much work to do for Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church. It will not be long until the Synod is upon us. We must be vigilant in proclaiming the eternal truths of the Church and the upholding of doctrine on matters of marriage and the family and most especially, the Holy Eucharist.
All of us have a responsibility and a duty under God to stand for truth and proclaim it from the housetops. We have a duty to stand for Our Lord Jesus Christ, His Church and His Blessed Mother and all that the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church has taught Magisterially from the beginning. We have our keyboards even if we are not bishops or liturgists and we have our rights and duties under Canon Law. We have God-given abilities and talents and we must use them and not bury them in the sand as we will surely be condemned for doing so. 

Our parents and our grandparents did not have the tools and knowledge that we do today. If they did, we can all presume with some certainty that the so-called "spirit of Vatican II" and the "hermeneutic of rupture" spoken of by our dear Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI would not have occurred or what have been confronted in a way to stamp it out or minimise it. I am reminded of what they would think if we fail them now with the words of John McCrae a Canadian military hero, physician and poet; "To you from failing hands we throw the torch; be yours to hold it high if ye break faith with us who die, we shall not sleep." 
May the Holy Family that model of perfection and love guide us and may St. Michael the Archangel protect us.
God bless you.
Francoise and David Domet

Success has many fathers and Michael Voris is one of them

While I don't wish to be overly-dramatic, please pardon your blogger for a few moments if it seems to be the case. 

On that fateful Shrove Tuesday when I sat at lunch and an email came across my smart phone with the subject "Letter for Domet," it seemed that time stood still and since then, it has been an exhausting process. I was being threatened with a lawsuit by a Catholic priest. This was not the first time that a lawsuit has been a priority for the priest or for Salt + Light. A few years ago a Toronto based Chinese Catholic apostolate was also in their sites. As my friend John Pacheco at the Catholic Legate said that afternoon, "David, if you're a good poker player you can win, 'cause that's the game you're playing now!" 

I sent the letter from Fogler, Rubinoff LLC to a few friends that day and one of them apparently forwarded it on to Michael Voris of St. Michael's Media and Church Militant TV. I had met Michael in 2011; he visited Kitchener, Ontario to speak at a dinner in honour of "Real Men" on the Solemnity of St. Joseph my Confirmation Patron and the example for every real man. 

That letter must have been an embarrassment. It was insisted in the second letter back from the law firm to us where the threat to sue was quite clear and where even more demands were placed before us one of which was that the link to the letter be removed from this blog. 

Well it was sent to me as a gift, it is my choice to do what I want with it and now it is the gift that keeps on giving. If it proves embarrassing, so be it; the pain and suffering that my wife went through these last two weeks is gross and disgusting - I think a little embarrassment can be handled. Besides, had this gone to the discovery stage, a lot of other "letters" would have become public. Perhaps in the future, big expensive law firms will think twice about picking on a little guy with an obscure blog; well, it was obscure.

That evening at home with my wife after dinner, reading the threat of the lawsuit and consoling her the telephone rang; it was Michael Voris. He had been given the letter by an "anonymous source" and wanted to report on it. I agreed and set up the computer for the Skype interview. The next day, he uploaded the video just before I went to sing the Holy Mass for Ash Wednesday. Three hours later, upon returning home, my computer was overheating from being in overdrive!

I was astounded at what was happening - Tweets, Emails, Facebook, Blogs - the Catholic faithful that evening and the next day woke up to an injustice not just against me but to themselves and even to you reading this now.

What would this "obscure" blogger have done without Michael Voris?

I knew instinctively what was going to happen because of that letter. I would not have had a chance trying to mount a defense alone and without the resources, I would have been pilloried and then hanged, drawn and quartered by the law firm and those who were financing them (though now we are told that it was "for good"). There was no way for me to find a way out without the funds and there was no way to raise the funds without publicity and without you and thousands of others knowing what was happening. The offers were humbling.

Could this be really happening? Was the Court of Star Chamber reconstituted? ; I thought for sure as one holy cleric wrote to me that "the inquisition is past!"

Michael Voris, Christine Niles and the staff at Church Militant TV stepped in and through the grace of God, the intercession of Our Lady and the courage given them by St. Michael the Archangel, became my rescuers. The journalistic professionalism and their devotion to the truth was a great consolation for my wife and myself as was the charity and compassion for the situation. Michael Voris put his resources at my disposal, whatever was needed in terms of getting the word out there, to help me and my wife from losing our home and facing bankruptcy in order to fight this frivolous and vexatious action, was offered. We were suddenly not alone in this fight. Our Lady has sent us a Catholic militant!

No other Catholic media source could have done what Michael Voris and the staff of Church Militant TV did for me and my wife. Through the grace of God, they rescued us in our time of need.

I fear to even start to name the other bloggers alerted to our dilemma by Voris lest I leave any of you out but you all know who you are. I was and remain overwhelmed with what you all did for me and my wife. I shout out to all of you in Canada in the United States and in England and in Poland, in Ireland and in Italy, Germany, Holland, Belgium and our Hispanic colleagues in Central America and South America and in Brazil - and to that little donkey blog in Spain along the Camino that had only 30 hits per day and now has 800! I must also shout out to Frank Walter and the gang at Pewsitter. I must say though, I am terrible disappointed that Crux News finally weighed in only to delete the comment calling me a "nut" - I'd considered it a badge of honour! All of you did something incredible for me and the truth. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. God love you. God bless you. May Our Lady watch over you and St. Michael protect you. I am truly overwhelmed at what you did when the watchman shouted from the ramparts.

Someone said to me the other day that this situation is "one for the history books" and he was not joking. Well, I don't know about that but what I do know is this - the work being done and the war being waged to trap and expose the "lies and falsehoods" by Michael Voris and Church Militant TV is vital for the future of Church. There is literally no other vehicle in the English-speaking world to confront the rot and filth that has undermined the faith so directly and so instantaneously. If not for Voris' work, would you have known about my predicament and the unjust attempt to silence me and put me into bankruptcy - to deny me of my constitutional and canonical rights and duties - a gross attempt at censorship? If not for Church Militant TV would you know of the homo-mafia and fascist attack on Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone in San Francisco or the shameful behaviour of Toronto Basilian priest Timothy Scott and his Tweet to Cardinal Burke to STFU? I mention only these now because they are recent, the list of past revelations is out there. 

Without a doubt, amongst the most important work that Voris and Church Militant TV undertook was at the Synod last October. Oh yes, there were other journalists there to be sure, but none but Voris had the depth of theological and ecclesial-politico understanding and secular media savvy combined with the near instant ability to send out video reports through a network with global reach. He knew what questions to ask and when to ask them and to whom to ask them and he knew how to get these nearly instantly into our hands. He is our correspondent!

Michael Voris and Church Militant TV are in there fighting for Our Blessed Lord and His Holy Catholic Church. They are fighting for the Truth and they are fighting for you and they deserve your support and the support of  your friends.

Michael, Christine, Matt and our most dear friend with whom we have shared much and all of you at Church Militant TV ; thank you from Frankie, or Frenchie as Michael would say, and myself and from Roxy for what you did for us and for the Church. We thank you and you are in our prayers and all of you are close to our hearts and we are honoured to call you, friends.

God love you. Ego sum Vox Cantoris!

Ontario Education : Wynne and Sandals have lied to the Public


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                 MARCH 5, 2015

Wynne and Sandals have lied to the Public
RE: Ontario Sex Education Program

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne and Education Minister Liz Sandals lied to the public when they maintained that former Deputy Minister of Education and convicted child predator, Benjamin Levin, was not involved in developing the controversial sex education curriculum.  On the contrary, he was responsible for the version published in 2010 which was not substantially modified in the 2015 version.

This is made clear by the following:

In a 2009 newsletter, as deputy minister, Levin said he was “responsible for ... everything that they do” and to “implement” the “new” approach.

·        On March 6, 2009, Levin wrote and signed a memo that put himself in charge of Ontario’s school curriculum.  He stated, “I am writing to provide an update on our sector’s agenda ... I will be filling the ADM (assistant deputy minister) position previously held by George Zegarac ... The division formerly headed by George Zegarac will be renamed as ‘Learning and Curriculum.’ It will have responsibility for curriculum and for Special Education including Provincial Schools.”

·        On April 6, 2009, Levin penned a memo saying, “Today, the ministry released its new equity and inclusive education strategy paper ... This province wide strategy has been a priority for our Minister of Education Kathleen Wynne and me.”

·        On June 24, 2009, Levin wrote that the “Realizing the Promise of Diversity: Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy” sets out a “vision for an equitable and inclusive education system.” He wrote “the principles of equity and inclusive education should be embedded into all aspects of board and high school operations including program, employment, research, curriculum, resources, instructional and assessment practices.”
·        In an interview published in the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education’s (OISE) winter 2009 newsletter, Levin said: “I was the deputy minister of education. In that role, I was the chief civil servant. I was responsible for the operation of the Ministry of Education and everything that they do; I was brought in to implement the new education policy.”

These memos end the confusion as to just what his involvement was in the curriculum.  He was in charge of it.
It is alarming that Levin would use his position as Deputy Minister to manage a program to desensitise and groom children about age-inappropriate matters, such as masturbation, the use of pornography to stimulate erotic feelings and to teach that anal sex and oral sex are healthy alternatives to vaginal intercourse.  It appears reasonable to assume that Mr. Levin’s influence in the development of the sex education curriculum was motivated by his own perverse attraction to children.

According to Dr. Robert McDonald, a retired psychotherapist and medical doctor, “Any action which sexualizes a child before he or she is ready is sexual abuse.  Therefore, so-called sex-ed for children before puberty is an act of sexual abuse.”

Wynne and Sandals maintain they will not accept any changes to the 2015 sex-ed program.  This dictatorial position is appalling.  We live in a democracy not a totalitarian state. 

Unfortunately, it is our Ontario children who will be the helpless victims of this sex education program imposed by these politicians.

Gwendolyn Landolt, Vice President of REAL Women of Canada states,  “Wynne and Sandals seem to believe that all they have to do is shout ‘homophobe’ at those who object to the curriculum, and this will erase any problems with it, as well as erase any other problems from the long list of improper activities carried on by this government.  The latter cannot be believed or trusted.”

This curriculum is not acceptable and should be withdrawn so that it can be properly reviewed and allow parents opportunity to be consulted on its contents.

-        30 -
For further information contact either:
C. Gwendolyn Landolt                                                   Diane Watts
National Vice-President                                                 Researcher
REAL Women of Canada                                               REAL Women of Canada          
(905) 787-0348                                                             (613) 236-4001
(905) 731-5425                                                             email: realwcna@rogers.com
email: realwcto@realwomenofcanada.ca

From Rome Interview

BREAKING: Does the General Secretary of Ontario's Catholic Bishops Assembly support the explicit Ontario sex education curriculum designed by a convicted child porn producer?

Roger Lawler General Secretary of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario

If the last few weeks have taught us anything it is this; you can't do things anymore in the Catholic Church that go against the faith and not be called out.

LifeSiteNews is reporting that Roger Lawler, the General Secretary of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario has been publicly active on Twitter condemning the position of Monte McNaughton a candidate for the leadership of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party in relation to the explicit sex education curriculum being imposed upon Ontario's children. MacNaughton a Member of the Provincial Parliament has been outspoken against the proposed curriculum. As this picture we obtained from his Twitter page shows he has "re-tweeted" what appears to be his support for a "sex-ed update Ontario badly needs."

There is no hiding the fact that the recently convicted Bernard Levin a former Professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Assistant Deputy Minister of Education and adviser to Ontario's Premier Kathleen Wynne, a lesbian developed this curriculum which will be forced upon our Catholic schools. 

Reports are now coming to light at LifeSiteNews and The Rebel Media that there is a government cover-up  “These documents show Liz Sandals and Premier Wynne are now trying to cover up the fact that Levin was intimately involved in the ministry at the time. They have been deliberately misleading us,” Landolt told LifeSiteNews.

As LifeSiteNews reports "the curriculum that Roger Lawler, the ACBO’s general secretary since September 2014, has been defending teaches about anal and oral sex, masturbation, and contraception in grades 6 and 7, and begins discussing homosexual family structures in grade 3. Two Catholic psychiatrists told LifeSiteNews this week that they believe the program is “sexual abuse” because it sexualizes children prematurely."

Mr. Lawler has been asked to provide comment via his Twitter page but has not yet replied; he declined to comment to LifeSiteNews which advises that "Prior to his top position with the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario, Lawler was director of education for 15 years at the Waterloo Catholic District School Board (WCDSB), which has been criticized as the “most non-catholic Catholic school board in Ontario.” Under his watch the board approved a number of controversial materials for school use as well as problematic policies that critics at the time said “created an air of tolerance towards active homosexuality.”

Catholic Intelligence Blog, which has even more detail on this situation, has advised of this quote by Mr. Lawler from LifeSiteNews dating from November 2, 2007: "Lawler spoke of legitimate differences of opinion on matters of "faith and morals".  "Faith and one’s understanding of faith is not static. As we learned and have been taught as a Post-Vatican II people, we are a Church with rich diversity," he wrote.  Adding: "Diversity also can bring about differences of opinion in areas like theology, faith, and morals. This is natural and healthy for a living, dynamic Church."

How much more are Catholics in Ontario to take? 

We have just this week seen the scandal of a priest of the Congregation of St. Basil Tweeting STFU to Raymond Cardinal Burke and now we have this matter. 

How can the Catholic Bishops of Ontario from Cardinal Collins to Archbishop Prendergast and the others tolerate this continued scandal within the Church? Does Mr. Lawler speak for Ontario's Bishops and the Catholic faithful? Should a person of such influence and high position within an episcopal conference use his Twitter feed for such political lobbing? What else is going on in the Assembly that the laity is unaware of? When are our bishops going to act like bishops?

For all the details on this latest scandal click on the LifeSiteNews heading below.

The Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario can be reached at their web site.

His Eminence, Thomas Cardinal Collins (President)
Archbishop of Toronto
1155 Yonge Street
Toronto ON.    M4T 1W2
Phone:  416-934-0606  Fax:   416-934-3452

Most Rev. Ronald P. Fabbro, c.s.b. (Vice-President)
Bishop of  London
1070 Waterloo Street
London, ON.  N6A 3Y2
Phone: 519-433-0658  Fax:  519-433-0011
Most Rev. Gerard Bergie (Councillor)
Bishop of St. Catharines
Catholic Centre – Diocese of St. Catharines
P.O. Box 875
St. Catharines, ON  L2R 6Z4
Phone: 905-684-0154  Fax: 905-684-7551

Most Rev. Marcel Damphousse (Councillor)
Bishop of Alexandria-Cornwall
220 Montreal Road
Cornwall, ON  K6H 1B4
Phone: 613-933-1138  Fax: 613-937-4931

Roger Lawler email: rlawler@acbo.on.ca

Thank you Your Eminence and Your Excellency and May Our Blessed LORD protect you and continue to guide you. God love you both!


Two open letters of public thanks and prayers to two Shepherds and servants in the Vineyard of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Laudetur Jesus Christus!

Your Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke
Patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta

Waking on the morning of March 2, 2015 I read on Rorate Caeli Blog an interview wherein you commented generally about lawsuits by Vatican officials against Catholic bloggers and between Christians with reference to the words of Our Blessed Lord and Saint Paul the Apostle. There is no doubt in my mind and that of my spouse Frankie, that the prayers of thousands of Catholics around the world were heard by Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Blessed Mother and were answered and manifested by your public commentary at what was a most critical time. It was Divine Providence.

Your Eminence; your words provided not only clarity on the situation, which was read and heard by many, but they were words of comfort and encouragement that we were not orphaned. You gave us hope at a most difficult time and the courage to persevere in truth and good faith. From the bottom of our hearts thank you for what you did for us. Know of our filial love and respect for you and that you are in our thoughts and prayers. 

May our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ reward you greatly for your charity and your courage for all you have done for us and for the Church and may the Blessed Mother pour out her love upon you.

With filial love and respect and assurance of our prayers,

Francoise and David Domet

+ + +

Your Excellency Athanasius Schneider
Auxiliary Bishop of Astana

Laudetur Jesus Christus!

Normally, I would never think to share the fact that a Bishop of the Church would take the time to write me an email. Since that is known then I am not sharing a secret, though your letter to me will remain private and close to our hearts.

Please accept my thanks and the thanks of my wife Francoise for your prayers, Masses and your kindness in your letters to me. We are very thankful that the problem has resolved itself, heaven was stormed with prayers and grace abounded. Your words in the emails were of great comfort at a very difficult time. They provided solace and consolation; comfort and confidence. My wife and I were very touched by them and we shall treasure them forever. They came at a most difficult time for us and we are grateful to you for your act of loving kindness and the manifestation of the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ for the Christian faithful unknown to you and far away.

May Our Blessed Lord keep you close; may our Blessed Mother pour out her love upon you for what you have done for the faithful not only in your own Diocese but around the world.

Please know that you will be in our prayers.

With filial love and respect,

Francoise and David Domet

No salt, no light, nothing to see and pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

On June 7 of 2014, a glorious event occurred in Toronto which many, your writer included, will never forget. Early in December of 2013, I was approached to put some organisational muscle into getting it rolling and to develop the music program and choir for an exceptional event - the 75th anniversary of a priestly ordination, yes you read that correctly -- 75 years a priest. 
Msgr. Vincent Foy

You see, this Mass would be according to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite - the Roman Missal of 1962 and the Cardinal Archbishop of Toronto, Thomas Collins, knowing this, had graciously accepted to attend and Preside. If you know the details of the traditional liturgy this would be no easy task. There were two options for His Eminence he either would Celebrate a Pontifical Mass or he would Preside from the Throne in what is technically known as a "Mass in the Presence of a Greater Prelate." All you liturgical geeks out there will ooh and ah in understanding. What this means is that the Ordinary "presides" but does not "celebrate." He says the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar, blesses the incense and water, kneels at the faldstool during the Canon, gives the final blessing amongst other details but he does not perform the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass. Cardinal Collins did a splendid job considering he was ordained in the early 1970's; though he had been amongst the very last Subdeacons for the Diocese of London, he had never celebrated the Mass of all ages.

It was a glorious day, the Vigil of Pentecost, not a cloud in the sky and the Church, St. Lawrence the Martyr in Scarborough was resplendent and the Schola and choir well rehearsed. Mass began with a glorious procession to Vaughan Williams' Come Down O Love Divine as a processional which included over 50 priests. Then came the Sacred Ministers - Priest, Deacon and Subdeacon all Toronto diocesan priests one under 50 one under 40 and the other under 30 - does that tell us anything? They were not even born when Paul VI celebrated that mass on a table facing the people at All Saints in Rome fifty years ago this past weekend in what was known when I was a boy as the New Mass. Little did we know that we were to get the New New Mass in 1969 and when they made me shake hands and thought they could play guitars better than Jimi Hendrix, I promptly left and didn't return for decades! In came the Cardinal lead by a Subdeacon carrying the new Metropolitan Cross used for the first time outside the Cathedral. He wore a glorious cope which the MC and I found in a museum in a glass case. You have no idea how hard it was to put together red vestments for a Solemn Mass with all the copes and of fine enough quality for the event. We actually borrowed from museums and High Anglicans. What does that tell you!

So what is the point of this little story?

Well the priest in question was the wonderful pro-life hero Monsignor Vincent Foy. Msgr. Foy was born in Toronto on the Vigil of the Assumption in 1915. He was the youngest priest ordained in the history of Toronto and he is loved and admired by all. 

Well, not quite all.

Monsignor was a great opponent of the schismatic Winnipeg Statement of Canada's bishops and suffered for it.

He also wrote a scathing assessment of Gregory Baum a notorious Canadian heretic born in Berlin after the Great War of a Jewish mother and Protestant father he later converted and to the Catholic faith, became an Augustinian monk and a peritus at Vatican II and eventually, dissented from the faith. Commonweal, on February 15 1974, published an article where the heretic priest Baum declared that Catholic teaching on homosexuality would change and embrace homosexuality in a few years and he openly advocated so-called same sex "marriage. Gregory Baum states that "I am a person of the left, I am surrounded by left-wingsocial and political scientists, and I am in touch with active members ofleft-wing political parties in Canada and Quebec." Baum later left the priesthood and married (a woman) and is greatly admired by the world with numerous degrees, honourary degrees and even the Order of Canada which is something he shares with notorious baby-killer Henry Morgentaler and water-bottle opponent Archbishop Weisgerber Emeritus of the non-Metropolitan Archdiocese of Winnipeg.

Mr. Gregory Baum, dissenter from the Catholic faith, one time speaker at Toronto's Newman Centre, (more on that another time), Canada's Vatican II heretic, I mean peritus was lionised in this glowing video at Salt + Light Television "Canada's Catholic Channel of Hope."

Which leads me to a question.

When the oldest living priest in the Archdiocese of Toronto, a Monsignor for that matter and made one by Venerable Pius XII; a man who knew and paid the pricecelebrates the 75th anniversary of his priestly ordination and the only one in Canada to ever attain such a milestone; whilst at the same time a Mass in the Presence of a Greater Prelate is held for the first time in over 50 years, is that not news that you might think might be featured on Salt + Light Television - "Canada's Catholic Channel of Hope?"

Nevermind, nothing to see here.

Monsignor Vincent Foy,99 wearing the rochet knitted by his mother with Thomas Cardinal Collins following the Mass.

For more on Gregory Baum, please visit:

Courtesy of Brian in the combox, there is also this: 


The Gay Jesuits


Michael Voris of Church Militant TV breaks today wide open to the Catholic world a story in the Daily Beast, a not Catholic friendly website. I'll let Michael tell you all about it; you can read the Beast column below; lest we give them any clicks or it ever disappears there. Besides, why would we want to give something named the "Beast" anything?

Now, just before you click on The Vortex and read the filth below ask yourself; "Why are certain priests and other Catholics so angry at Michael Voris?"

Oh come on, you know why.

Confessions of a Gay Jesuit: How I Was Forced To Leave My Church—And Calling

Ben Brenkert wanted to be a priest, but confronted by the hypocrisy and prejudice of the Catholic Church he had to quit. Here, in a powerful, heartfelt essay, he explains why.

Today, at 35, I am a gay seminarian who still needs human touch. For me the best place is the Episcopal Church. Some day I will be a priest, hopefully married with children. That’s what I’m looking for, love; it falls under the rubric of modern love. I am a modern gay Christian in search of love, one who still wants to become a priest.

From 2004 to 2014 I was a Jesuit, a member of the Society of Jesus in good standing, an order gone global by the election of Pope Francis I. I left the Jesuits because I left the Roman Catholic Church. I would not be an openly gay priest in a Church that fires LGBTQ employees and volunteers. I left in protest: How could I be an openly gay priest who fires LGBTQ employees and volunteers?

Here’s my story; it is an experiment with truth telling, as much as it is about justice for LGBTQ Christians and non-Christians, men, women and children who have been deeply affected by the millennia of anti-gay theology and hate speech espoused by the Roman Catholic Church. The effects of this violence linger today.

My story takes on closeted gay priests, Jesuits or not, and tells them to come out. My story ends by radically calling upon Pope Francis I and his brother Jesuits, indeed anyone who has fired an LGBTQ employee or volunteer, to reinstate them today.

Since I was a teenager, 15 years old, I longed to be a priest as seriously as others dream of a vocation or a career: to become a doctor, a teacher, a writer. Just because I was gay, I felt it was no reason for me not to pursue my dream.

I grew up in Valley Stream, a suburban village on Long Island, the son of an FDNY fire inspector and a mom that worked for Nassau Downs Off Track Betting. More than anything else we were a Roman Catholic family who ordered our lives around the life of the Church, as much as we did big Italian meals and Broadway shows.

Mine was a decent childhood, but at home I could never fully be myself, the Church’s teaching on homosexuality burdened any genuine relationship between my parents and me and my four siblings and me. This is still true today.

In 2002, at 22, after seven years of happily discerning a call to become a Roman Catholic priest, I almost threw in the towel. I’d had enough dinner meetings with bishops and priests from the Diocese of Long Island and the Society of Mary (the Marists) to know that I could not be an openly gay man in their course of study. No one ever spoke to me about the subject of sex or sexuality: This drew enough red flags for me.

“I’ll never ever go back into the closet. I’ll never again be a scapegoat for anyone’s war with culture, not nature.”

Still desiring to be a priest, I prayed for guidance and remembered two Jesuit priests, Fathers Mateo Ricci and Walter Ciszek, members of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits), members of what I would quickly learn was the largest, most progressive and gay-friendly religious order in the Church.

Both Frs. Ricci and Ciszek were missionaries who responded to God and served the Church in Asia; both were formed according to the spirituality of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, the Basque nobleman who founded the order in 1540. Loyola set his men apart from other religious orders by giving them the tools to mix in with the upper classes at universities or in courts, but bound them also to serve the poor and least among us, children. In these men I saw myself.

As I discerned entry into the Jesuits, many close friends debated me about homosexuality and Catholicism, essentially questioning my calling. My friend Katie asked me how I could dedicate my life to an institution that labeled me as intrinsically disordered, one who saw gay sexual acts are evil.

But I saw homosexuality and Catholicism in the most holistic way, and I put my needs for self-preservation last because I wanted to make a difference in the life of LGBTQ youth. I thought I could change things from the inside, but to do this right I had to enter the Church’s most gay friendly order, an order with political and social connections that rivaled the Beltway.

Even then I knew it would take years and years to undo the damage done to the LGBTQ community by the Church, damage I hoped to help repair in my lifetime as a priest.

I too wanted to help people, especially gay people like myself, who belong to a church that doesn’t accept them. I knew Catholicism was anti-gay (just read the Catechism of the Catholic Church), but soon enough the gay Jesuits I’d meet rejected the prevailing ethos on that. But I was naïve, too idealistic and pious, sold a bill of goods when I didn’t realize how big the rock was that I’d be pushing up the mountain. I entered the Jesuits in 2005 at the age of 25.

In 2006, at 26, we Jesuit novices studied together in Denver. During this summer gay Jesuits met periodically, in secret to discuss the lack of hospitality and welcome by our straight brothers. Many spoke about how this led them into the dark night of the soul, to what some interpreted as an unhealthy uses of pornography, when what they really wanted was genuine human connection.

Of course, using porn contradicted one’s vow of chastity. One immature novice said that for him gay porn was but one means to keep his “gay self” alive and still connected to a community so often alienated by the Church; for me, he was erroneously projecting his own sense of isolation and alienation by the Church onto the gay porn industry.

In those secret meetings we discussed why it was OK for our straight brothers to make crude jokes about women during dinner while we could not discuss ex-boyfriends or what it meant to be healthy, chaste gay man. Our callings we opined were from God irrespective of our sexual orientation.

We discussed how often we succumb to our natural feelings through masturbation, which some of our novice directors tried to teach us to control. We felt we could live our vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience just as authentically as our straight brothers.

That summer E.S., a youngish, blue-eyed, piano-playing boy from Massachusetts and I had an affair that lasted several weeks. We never had sexual intercourse, but we did just about everything else. As I professed vows my voice quavered. What was I doing? Why was I, a healthy integrated gay man, choosing life in a hostile environment, self-selecting, and freely responding to a vocation in a church that practices “don’t ask, don’t tell” through the imprudent guise of hate the sin, love the sinner?

But God had called me, and before I knew it I was, at 27, on my way to St. Louis for further training. In St. Louis I learned firsthand about the secret, scandalous world of gay Jesuits.

While in St. Louis I met a fraternity of men just out of similar novitiates, whose newfound freedom led them to gay or straight bars, but also to “the 4th house” where we would all gather for libations and pizzas. I was shocked by how much drinking went on that first year. I was more shocked by the stories I’d hear of younger Jesuits fathering babies, and gay Jesuits fondling each other in vans on the way to retreats.

These men were gay Jesuits whom the Church and the Society of Jesus embraced, gay men who according to the church’s teaching were still objectively disordered, intrinsically deviant from the natural world and social order.

Was the Society of Jesus doing us, or the LGBTQ community, any favors by keeping us?

While in St. Louis I was told by my superiors not to write about LGBTQ issues, that such a commitment to social justice, while helpful, would draw red flags and possibly delay my ordination to the priesthood. Outside the classroom I had other things to worry about. I inherited the unhealthy sexual appetite of a young Jesuit who entered religious life right after high school.

M.B. was a strikingly attractive young Polish man from St. Louis whose sexual appetite was rapacious, and whose attraction to me never ceased. With time his advances grew more aggressive. We spent a weekend at a vacation home in Green Hills, when M.B. asked me to sleep with him.

During that weekend M.B. told me about at least one affair with another Jesuit, M.P. Later, when M.B. suggested we have a threesome I knew that our own sexual intimacy in the basement of the “4th house” had stirred his addiction to sex, and to me. 

Before long we were skipping meals and paper writing and finding our usual spot on the campus of St. Louis University to embrace, and kiss and dry hump. He told me his nickname for his penis, “the Amazon.”

Once when I told my acting superior Fr. S. about M.B.’s advances he shrugged his shoulders and said, “Why resist? To him you’re so exotic.” I surmised that I was exotic because of my good looks and charm, but was that an excuse to break my vows and give in to M.B.’s aggressive advances?

As I left St. Louis, in 2010 at the age of 30, to work in our Jesuit prep school in New Jersey, I more and more decried my inability to work for LGBTQ justice and equality. To do so I had to talk about civil rights and the experience of African Americans at the expense of talking about issues relevant to the LGBTQ community.

I could talk about racism but not homophobia. I could mix in with African-American students, but be reprimanded when I worked too closely with Breaking Barriers, the school’s “gay-straight alliance.”

Every time I heard a prep student use the term “faggot,” or counseled a gay student bullied by his peers, I thought of James Baldwin’s essay, ‘Stranger In The Village,’ (PDF) where he writes, “The children who shout ‘Neger!’ have no way of knowing the echoes this sound raises in me.”

Recently, a married lesbian former colleague chided me, “Why didn’t you do more when you were with us?” My answer: to work from within I had to play the game. That answer was not sufficient: Was I a coward? No, I don’t think so. To do something I needed to be ordained, I wasn’t there yet. Over time I grew tired of waiting for ordination.

About the secret world of gay Jesuits: I could go on and on about gay Jesuits playing the piano in the West Village’s Duplex or about the nights I spent at NYC’s Splash Bar or Eagle Club. I could talk about how older gay Jesuits swam nude during summers at villa homes, about Jesuits who groped each other in hot tubs, or Jesuits who were gay in the order but who are now safely married. I could talk about gay Jesuits that had online Avatars and memberships to gay online dating sites. I could talk about failed Jesuit hook-ups, my own and others.

There were the gay Jesuits who were so closeted that they hid behind conservatism, leaving the Jesuits for formation programs in dioceses across the United States. There were gay Jesuits who were put in clerical prison for embracing undergrads too long, and others who attended Sexaholics Anonymous, or whose personal collection of pornography was mistakenly played during high school lectures.

I myself was groomed for sex by several older Jesuits. I saw the vehement internalized homophobia of some Jesuits, and knew of certain gay pastors removed from jobs so that less out and more passable gay Jesuits replace them at gay-friendly parishes.

There were gay Jesuits who traveled the world to scuba dive or taste French wine. One gay Jesuit offered to marry me as I departed the Society of Jesus. I lament that these gay Jesuits remain silent while their gay or lesbian lay colleagues are fired from jobs and brought closer to poverty.

At 35, I continue to ponder the question: Why is it fair for the Church to ordain gay men who sneak out at night just to be with other men of their community, while the Church condemns gays who want to marry and to express their love?

One week ago at Posh, a popular New York City gay bar, a gay Catholic who worships at the Paulist Church near Fordham University’s Lincoln Center Campus told me not to be angry with the Church. He added that the Paulist Church does wonders for him and his peers because they identify the LGBTQ community in the bulletin and other public announcements. Is that a measure of victory for the LGBTQ community?

This gay man said that he had finally decided to move in with his partner of seven years, but that they would never marry. When I asked why, he said marriage is not the be-all and end-all of life for gay Catholics. This same man told me he’s spotted the Jesuit pastor of a local parish at Posh a number of times over the past year.

This conversation haunted me for the next few days. Here is a gay man who doesn’t want to receive a sacramental marriage or be recognized by his church community, himself observing a gay priest secretly frequenting a gay bar. These two men should meet: Maybe my new friend could help my Jesuit brother to come out of the closet.

At every new stage of formation, I met more and more gay Jesuits who were happier sipping scotch, ordering cigars, opera tickets, and shoes, publishing books or holding secret masses with LGBTQ sympathizers (that followed unsanctioned liturgical rubrics) than publicly confronting the injustice experienced by members of their community. Their silence pained me. Why won’t these gay priests just come out?

I believe these gay Jesuits won’t come out because they live comfortable lives, with access to so many things, like the latest technology or villas abroad or tenured positions at universities, not to mention the unlimited gas cards that make domestic travel really easy.

In other words, these gay Jesuits are living better lives than the estimated 320,000 to 400,000 homeless LGBTQ youth in America. Why they don’t speak up is beyond me. Which is why I left the Church in protest over its continued ill treatment of LGBTQ Christians and non-Christians.

My final coming out in the Jesuits came last spring; it was 2014, months after I learned about the firing of heroes like Nicholas Coppola and Colleen Simon from two of our Jesuit institutions. Coppola and Simon are married to partners of the same sex.

I contacted my superior, and other leaders of the Jesuits and started a conversation about justice and equality. I said, we have to do something, we must stand up publicly against the firing of LGBTQ employees and volunteers.

I realized nothing would be done, as such I penned an open letter to Pope Francis.

In it I asked him to help save my vocation by calling for an end to the firing of LGBTQ employees and volunteers. I questioned why he would allow the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to fire people, and bring them closer to poverty, some of whom make less than $15 an hour (without health care).

In July, I mailed Pope Francis and the Jesuit Superior General Fr. Adolfo Nicholas hard copies of the letter. They never responded. I thought: Wasn’t this the era of “Who am I to judge?”

But the pope who called so many others never called me. Of course, I wasn’t as naive as to think this problem would be solved in one phone call. But that’s the impression the pope gives—that any one statement ushered by him solves problems that have had negative consequences for millennia. To me, that is the Francis defect.

Employees and volunteers like Coppola and Simon were fired for who they are. Even as Pope Francis prepares to visit the United States, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is intolerantly strident in its opposition to Francis’s liberalism. Look at the Archdiocese of San Francisco’s recent proposal to implement morality clauses in employment contracts.

The pope and the Society of Jesus must reinstate men and women who have been fired from jobs (and volunteer activities). This is not some radical ideal. After all, this pope has changed the discourse about human nature, and while the tone is fresh and new the substance must match that spirit.

As I look into doctoral programs in theology, I practice clinical social work for a major nonprofit in the Bronx. I work with teenage boys who are bullied by the peers, negatively labeled as gay or called “faggots.”

“Why?” I often think about the Roman Catholic Church and her influence on secular society. I have no regrets about leaving the Jesuits. My family does, but their lamentations speak to their own discomfort with my sexuality and same-sex desire generally.

That’s not my battle anymore; I am a happy, confident, and grateful gay man. Like the Church, my family has their own skeletons to deal with, but I’ll never ever go back into the closet. I’ll never again be a scapegoat for anyone’s war with culture, not nature.

What do I desire? Well, I’m back on the market, dating, and using Apps like Tinder, to look for a man with whom I can share the joys and sorrows of life, a man with whom I can marry, and love, and raise children. I realize now it is love that is universal, not celibacy.

I continue to respond to God’s invitation to me to be a priest. For me, that could be in the Episcopal Church. At the Easter Vigil liturgy, I’ll be received into the Episcopal Church. I am happy to call St. Luke in the Fields in Greenwich Village my spiritual home.

While I’ll always be priestly, priesthood is less important for me than defeating social sin and structural evil, both of which have unnecessarily contributed to violence against the LGBTQ community, the community I deeply admire and deeply love.

My story is an experiment with truth-telling in so much as it reveals the hypocrisy of an institution beholden to a rhetoric and a theology that is far from meeting people where they are.

That Jesus held his beloved disciple John close to his breast at the Last Supper tells me something about where the Church should be. It should hold those LGBTQ men, women, and children closer to her breast, and thank God that some of them still journey the communion line to say “Amen,” and not “Adieu.”

Ben BrenkertBen Brenkert is a New York-based writer who left formation to become a Roman Catholic priest after learning that more and more lesbian and gay employees and volunteers were being fired by Church. Ben is writing on a memoir, and has been published in the Huffington Post, The Advocate, The International Business Times, Newsday, and The National Catholic Reporter. Ben is completing a masters in sacred theology at the General Theological Seminary.

'Tis indeed a most wonderful life


The last few weeks have been quite instructive. Let's be clear, I never asked nor expected that this blog or my name would be on hundreds of blogs or conservative secular media. The truth is, I would be happy if it were otherwise. It seems though, in the main-stream Catholic media, I'm just a "discontented lazy rabble" blogger getting in the way. The people of the Catholic world are awakening "all because a few starry-eyed" bloggers "stir 'em up and fill their heads with a lot of impossible ideas!" The secular press in the United States, Breitbart and Renew America showed more respect and accuracy for the situation to say nothing of the hundreds of blogs in multiple languages around the world than the main-stream Catholic media.

Since this situation began nearly three weeks ago, this "obscure" blog has had a ten and some days twenty-fold increase in readers to say nothing of a climb of 9,000,000 in Alexa rankings. Since you're all here, welcome and know this, there won't be any joining of the "church of nice" so if you're easily offended, TTFN, which is a polite and truly Canadian manner of speech rather than STFU, but then again, I'm not a boyzillian. George Bailey is more my model and we know what a wonderful life he had and that Clarence finally got his wings.

The little people, "this rabble," who do "most of the working and p[r]aying and living and dying" in the Church" -- John and Mary Catholic with a keyboard and monitor (not a pen and a phone) are taking up the cause of Truth around the world. Whilst a keyboard and monitor do not a turn us into "bishops or liturgists" they do give us a voice far beyond Pottersville to fulfill our canonical rights and obligations. We are more than a collection plate now, except of course in Germany where the bishops have their kirchensteuer and pornography businesses,  and enough Euros to make Mr. Potter envious.

The mainstream Catholic press took a much different approach. It was gratifying to be called a “nut” in the combox at Crux and I was a little surprised by the fact that it was removed. Considering the source I'd took it as a badge of honour. Crux seems to be nothing more than the non-liturgical version of Pray, Tell and Worship where it's all telling and little of the other two. Phil Lawler at Catholic Culture, when not begging for money on every article or to leave him a comment, refers to your writer as “hounding” a certain cleric - (oh, if he only knew the real truth about that). Noted also is Kathy Schiffer in the National Catholic Register stating that “Indeed, Domet’s blog has been inflammatory. Domet opposes any discussion of change with regard to the family. He was an outspoken critic of last year’s synod on the family and has sounded an alarm in advance of the upcoming synod in fall 2015.”

Oh, and you're owned by EWTN? Mother, Mother! Look at what they've done with what you've built. Maybe you should have "blown it up" before you let them have it.

Any Catholic with an ounce of faith should have opposed “any discussion of change with regard to the family” at last October’s Extraordinary Synod. As for this writer and all the new friends made in the last three weeks out there sounding “the alarm in advance of the upcoming synod in the fall of 2015,” you can be absolutely certain, Miss Schiffer, that it is going to continue.

Inés, Phil and Kathy; the next time, you want to know what an obscure blogger thinks, why not actually get in touch and do a proper interview and check all the facts, or would that be expecting too much from a medium that has not come to grips with the fact that there is an alternative to those who have their bread buttered on both sides by ecclesiastics and burn incense at the altar of the Mr. Potters of the world.

Oh, and one more thing, the Church and Catholics need these "measly" blogs "if only to have some place where people can come without crawling" to the main-stream Catholic media!

Inés San Martin, Phil Lawler and Kathy Schiffer - My parting shot to three journalists in a fading media

Inés San Martin, Phil Lawler and Kathy Schiffer - this one's just for you.

I'm the little guy, just what the video on Church Militant TV by Michael Voris portrayed. A family man with a mortgage and car payments, a dog and friends and a love for Christ and His Church. I speak the truth and I write the truth and some people don't like it - well, that is their problem not mine. As St. Thomas More said "We must pray that when your head stops spinning, your face is front again."

One day a few weeks ago, I got hit with what could have been the fight of my life. You three come late to the cause, a just cause - my defence from losing my home and my health for a frivolous and vexatious action that is now defended by the very libel and defamation of which I was falsely accused. Let me tell you three so-called journalists something. The little people are not stupid, they've seen through it and they don't need you and your buttered-bread media to spin it to them.

You're lazy journalists and you lack compassion for the real victim and you didn't even bother to find the real story or read between the lines. 

You made suppositions and assumptions. You wrote and gave opinion and you did not interview me and you did not treat this with the seriousness that it deserved for the mainstream Catholic press. Breitbart and Renew America didn't interview either but they had no pony in the race and no agenda and both of them presented a more balanced picture.

I've woken this morning with a burr in my saddle and I'm directing it at the three of you.

I didn't need you before or read you and I don't need you now and I won't read you and I recommend that nobody else does either. So go and sue me for hurting your subscriptions.

But let me tell you this.

You sit there in your little paid journalistic job with your college education - what do you earn 30k maybe 40k US, if that? Or you beg for money to keep your web page going. Ha, you're hardly worth even that. You're a bunch of sycophants doing the bidding of ecclesiastics. Tell me something Miss San Martin; how did you know that the matter was dropped before I did? You obviously had lots of time to write that story, no doubt; but not enough time to inquire with me?

You see down here where the real people, "the rabble" live, there are real issues for me and my family associated with this disgusting mess that was put upon me without justice and without charity and without humility and should never have happened in the first place.

Nowhere in your blathering did I find an ounce of compassion for the personal hardship and stress that this sordid, unnecessary event put on me or my wife. Nor did I see any sympathy for the fact that my legal fees are not "pro bono." Oh, that's the cost of writing a blog, eh? You're all Americans - you have freedom of speech and freedom of the press don't you? Or have you succumbed to the obamanisation of your once great land. You're a bunch of alinskyite trolls doing the bidding of those who pull your strings.  You're not free thinking journalists. You get your bread buttered by the Catholic Church and you're afraid to lose whatever it is they give you. How do you sleep?

The accusations were false to begin with and now I have the bill to deal with. Why did you not challenge the fact that indeed there was a "threat" of a lawsuit.  You let that one get away and did not hold accountable the inaccuracy of the statement which is there for all to see. I did not see you report or give an opinion or show compassion for the physical or emotional affects that this putrid event took on me or my wife or our closest friends or my productivity in other tasks over the last three weeks or the general scandal for the Church! 

You call yourselves Catholics, pfft!

I didn't need you then and I don't need you now.

What you don't know is "the rest of the story" and there is much to tell, but you were tools in a tool box, and lazy journalists and too worried about your buttered bread to bother to seek the truth and the full story.

Maybe some day I'll tell it and it won't be pretty; it will finally hold people accountable for what they did a long time ago and not so long ago and it will expose the whole lot of them for what they truly are. Someone's going to get that story out there, but it won't be you.

Now go sue me.


The National Catholic Register which can join the "Reporter" in the fish-wrap category has a comment in its post regarding the recent situation and the lifting of the threat of a lawsuit which was apparently never real in the first place, it was all just a little game.

Why is a Catholic journal of great respect and owned by EWTN allowing an anonymous comment of "Francis Pope" in the combox that contains nothing but calumny, slander, character assassination and defamation?  

If you think that I'm peeved now, you ain't seen nothin' yet!

I demand its removal, a retraction and a public apology!

Let them know what you think and please post a copy in the combox below.


One more thing; My wife and I, my wife and I married during a solemn nuptial mass. We have been publicly accused on an insipid and dyspeptic blog of adultery. The person that has done this is known to me and has engaged in harassment for four years but never to this extent. Unfortunately, while the blog has few people reading it intentionally, it ends up on search engines and feeds where this slander can become widespread. Further, the Church's canonical procedure of annulments has been held in disrepute by these two people. It is a heresy to deny the power of Peter to "bind and loose" and to "deny and loose" as these have done. I have previously spoken with my "brother" and have taken "two" to counsel him. I have now "taken it to the Church" to his Pastor and two other Toronto priests. While I have ignored it in the past, torontotlmserving@gmail.com this I can no longer ignore. 

Furthermore, the person behind Wendy List, Linda List, Maggie, Francis Pope who operates from 0102anonymous@gmail.com and whatever pseudonym that cowardly mind can conjure up should be aware that the I.P. address has been determined and all of this information has been provided to your Pastor. Unlike others, I choose to follow Holy Scripture as found in the First Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians. It is now up to him to deal with you through the internal forumThe fact that you wrote the bile which was then reprinted by the young and impressionable blogger in question has deepened your own culpability and perpetuated your own public scandal by inviting him to participate in it.

Suffice to say, I am not putting up with this harassment any longer.

While I don't agree with every thing our Pope has said or done, I am certainly not going to accuse him of  "smoking a big, big spliff in a jacuzzi!"  with a priest who was known to engage previously in a manner for which we can ask "who are we to judge!" Now, how did that calumny escape the attention of the moderator!

Shame on the NCRegister and shame on both of you who are, objectively speaking, in serious need of spiritual guidance, confession and penance, I suggest you obtain it quickly for you not what time the Bridegroom comes.

Update at 20:00hrs EDT

I am pleased to report that the young man with the blog linked at the National Catholic Register combox has purged the many offensive posts from his blog. Let us hope he has learnt his lesson and refrains from any further behaviour in this regard.

However the National Catholic Register has still not undertaken the removal of the offensive (and apparently moderated comment) which includes calumnious description of Pope Francis and others.

* * *

Posted by Frances Pope on Sunday, Mar 8, 2015 1:03 PM (EDT):

This website of a young Catholic I know;and Domet has been slandering on the web for years is worth visiting.  It might educate people to the truth.

Here is what this young man has to say.  He is right.

“...Worse, I hate to see it done to young people of my generation and the next. To do it to the Church`s next generation and kids, to me, is a darker, more villainous sin to commit vs. older adults. It is deeply contrary to the New Evangelization, and instead embraces a New Tyranny…”
Posted by Frances Pope on Sunday, Mar 8, 2015 12:52 PM (EDT):

This case is not as cut and dry as you think.  It’s amazing that those who know little or nothing are writing or commenting here.

My experience with Domet who has maliciously slandered Young Catholics on the web,is voiced by Maggie on another Blog.  I take the liberty of forwarding a very accurate comment by Maggie on another blog which was deleted by the blogger who happened to be a Domet supporter.

David is no martyr. He’s been brazenly libelling people for years; and we’re not just talking of people like Fr. Rosica. He’s written tirades in his blogs against people who were formally his friends, kids at least 3 decades younger than he. He’s even lashed out at others in the traditionalist movement here in Toronto and undermined their efforts when they've organized Solemn Masses on Holy Days at churches that haven’t so much as smelt incense in 40 years.

This man was a ticking time bomb. It was only a matter of time. If Rosica pursues this and decides to reach out to other people David’s libelled it could get interesting. And it would be his own doing.
I’ve been reading comments on the traditional Catholic blogosphere giving David all kinds of advice from “hiring a canon lawyer” to suggestions of writing to our archbishop or even writing to the pope. Some are painting this as some vast conspiracy instigated by Francis to silence blogs that he doesn’t like. With respect, Francis is likely busier smoking a big big spliff with Rabbi Skorka and Msgr. Ricca in a heated jacuzzi in Sanctae Marthae than following bloggers of the likes of Domet. All this support from clueless people who don’t even know him just feeds the beast that is David’s ego at the expense of more sober thought.

Rosica has a good prima facie case for libel. This is true not because the judges are bad or the system is corrupt or because Canada is an awful, hedonistic, sodomitic, anti-Catholic country. If Mars were a common law jurisdiction, David would be in trouble there too. Considering all the facts, should he issue a retraction, remove the objectionable posts and escape this with his finances in order, his roof over his head and not facing [redacted] it’ll be because of Fr. Rosica’s goodness. But knowing David, he won’t do that. Facts and laws be damned. David is always right, you see”





My name is David Anthony Domet and I own the blog at www.voxcantor.blogspot.com. I have been a subscriber of EWTN for over 15 years.

Your newspaper, The National Catholic Register, has permitted in its combox a comment regarding me that is libellous, defamatory, calumniating and filled with outright lies posted by someone anonymous using the name of "Francis Pope." 

How is it possible that this bile made it through a comment moderator?

This is a disgrace for a Catholic publication and EWTN. The person that has done this is known to me and has been harassing me for four years. She is in a grievous state of mortal sin, objectively speaking, and you have participated in it by publishing her filth and bile.

I demand that this filth be removed immediately and that an apology for it and a retraction be printed at the top of the story.

Yours truly,

David Anthony Domet
Vox Cantoris

Hitler at the Synod and other jackboot clericalists

Important news from around the Catholic world


Friends, here are some of the the lesser known stories that we should be aware of today:

  • Barona also reports on Polish Archbishop Jozef Michalik of Przemysl being sued (good heavens, what's up with that? Oh well, she probably never intended it) by a militant feminist for preaching against the evils of of abortion and sexual immorality. Wait a minute, he is a Catholic and this is Poland, right? Or am I confusing it with San Francisco?

  • Meanwhile, in San Francisco, it seems that the City Council thinks that the First Amendment does not apply in this case. The secular media is ganging up but LifeSiteNews has a report and petition you might consider signing and Michael Voris does a full report on this Vortex. Email the Archbishop at info@sfarchdiocese.org or call (415) 614-5500 to express your support. Please offer an Ave, right now for Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone and beseech St. Michael the Archangel to protect him. The lionhearted saviour is doing the work of the Saviour of the World in that cesspool of iniquity and betrayal of its namesake given by soon to be declared Saint, Junipero Serra. He is in need of your prayers and support. Now, what's that old joke about apologising to Sodom and Gomorrah? 

  • A Federal Court will hear oral arguments in the Habeas Corpus appeal of wrongly imprisoned priest, Fr. Gordon MacRae. Even the Wall Street Journal has considered called into question his 1994 trial in what has been called a perversion of justice. Three Stone Walls is the place to go for more information on this miscarriage of justice and there is a GoFundMe to help keep it going.  

  • A retired Catholic teacher and friend, Lou Iacobelli reports at Everyday for Life Canada on the latest battle in our schools and that "There are many reasons why public schools and in particular Catholic education should reject the new sex education curriculum. Given the fact that the government is not listening to parents, alternative strategies to protect children must be considered. Parents can begin by putting the government on notice that they expect schools to teach only the Health and Physical part of the course." Ontario's schools are under assault from an aggressive government policy to force sexually explicit education upon children. 

  • Finally, Aged-Parent the blogger at The Eye-Witness and I have been following each others' blogs for a while now. I was very appreciative of his prayers and kind words of support and encouragement recently. We had a discussion the other day and he writes about at his blog. I hope you'll add The Eye-Witness to your daily reads.

National Catholic Register finally does the right thing


After the post written two below this, messages through Facebook to the Register, EWTN and to Fr. Mitch Pacwa and Raymond Arroyo and three voice mail messages to Michael Warsaw the President of EWTN the National Catholic Register has taken down the uncharitable and inflammatory comments containing libel and defamation against Pope Francis, Rabbi Skorka, Msgr. Ricca and your blogger, Vox Cantoris. It is too bad that it took nearly 48 hours!

This is from the National Catholic Register's own page for comments which are moderated:

Charity is our first rule. If you can’t communicate charitably, then please don’t comment. We encourage lively and honest discussion of our content. While we know that there will be disagreements, and that our readers can be very passionate, we ask that you disagree respectfully without personal attacks, sarcasm, name-calling, bullying, libel, defamation, or obscenities. Don’t make judgments about the other person’s sinfulness or salvation. Please keep in mind that the overwhelming majority of readers do not comment and your comments become part of the information of NCRegister.com and the Register’s social media pages. We want to keep our forum a place of respectful, charitable and honest dialogue for all our readers.
Yes, I am persistent and the person that moderated or did not moderate is more like it, should be held accountable.


As for Francis Pope Wendy List, Linda List and Maggie have been shown by their actions for what they are by bloggers in Canada, Britain and Poland where they left their filth. They have convicted themselves. The other young man with the Toronto blog that has been harassing me and my work for the Church and the traditional Mass movement and sowing discord with regard to it in our Archdiocese has removed his four posts about me and my wife, my friend and the unfortunate situation with a priest.  I did what I was commanded to do in Holy Scripture, take it to him, take it to him with your brothers and then if he still does not listen take it to the Church. Thank you brother for finally doing what is right.

One more thing, Jesus commands us to turn the other cheek. In this case, it means to not prosecute those who did this, it does not mean that we have to be doormats and have no right to defend ourselves and our name.

It was good enough for them, what about the rest of us?

The "Little Flower" during one of her later illnesses. What would she think of this?
Katrina Fernandez, at The Crescat, has suffered the loss of her Abuela (grandmother). 

Kat; may the LORD welcome her into His arms and may she at this moment be enjoying the beatific vision. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and may light perpetual shine upon her. May she rest in peace. May you also be comforted in your loss and those members of our family also.

St. Pio of Pietrelcina in choir at Mass
We owe Katrina thanks for even in her time of grief she has declared publicly the scandal which took place at the hands of the parish staff and priest at the Church of St. Therese of Lisieux in Chesapeake, Virginia. Somehow, I don't think the Little Flower would be impressed. No roses for you! Tell me, have you ever seen such a list of staff? PLEASE SEE AT THE END OF THIS POST.

Not only was it difficult to obtain the Last Rites for her Abuela, Kat herself was degraded at the communion rail, when she desired to receive Our Blessed Lord in the legal and first way, on her tongue. This can never be denied!

Tantumblogo at A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics asked a salient question, "Who is the real fundammentalist/extremist?"

My question for the priest is this, "Father, you clearly felt Kat was wrong, who were you to judge?

Communion in the hand is an error, a grievous error. It is an abomination and I urge you friend, please do not do it. Please receive Our Blessed Lord on your tongue and whenever possible, kneeling. It is permitted by indult and it can be revoked at any time. That will not happen under the current Bishop of Rome but mark my words well - there is a man alive right now who will one day sit on the Chair of Peter and that man will "restore all things in Christ."

He will do away with this abomination and he may very now be doing his penance for it.

Please visit Katrina at Patheos and read it all there.

Bl. Mother Teresa - "Dominus est!"
Dominus est! They knew it. Do we?

How is it possible that any one parish could have so many email addresses on its web page?How many titles can it be possible to have in any parish? How many of these people are living off of the collection plate? 

Well, somewhere in that list is the Pastor. Each address has a semi-colon between it so you can easily copy and paste into your address bar should you wish to let them know, with clarity and charity, what you think of what they did to Kat. There are more than 25, so you might want to divide it in half so it does not get blocked out as spam.

Arlinem2@verizon.net; keczan1@aol.com;

The guardian of the law does not follow the law

In 2008, as Cardinal of Buenos Aires, Francis washed the feet of drug addicts  (CNS)

Iis announced that Pope Francis is going to undertake the foot-washing ritual on Holy Thursday outside of the Vatican or Lateran Basilica once again. In past years, the foot-washing has included youth, women and muslims.

Up until 1955, it was done outside of Mass and reserved for monasteries, cathedrals or seminaries and religious houses. The superior or abbot or bishop or rector washed the feet of those clerics symbolic of the events of Our Lord at the Last Supper and as a sign of priesthood.

The rubrics are clear, the Latin word phrase is "viri selecti" or selected men.

The man in charge of the law has dispensed with the law and puts faithful priests in parishes who have resisted demands by feminist liturgical nazis to wash their feet in difficult position.

My advice to priests is this: the foot-washing in the the Mass (in either Form) is optional, just like the "sign of peace."

Option it out and save yourself the grief!

If the Bishop of Rome wishes to display an act of charity to those in prisons or muslims, etc., this is a wonderful thing to do. There are 364 other days of the year to display this charity and example. Holy Thursday is not one of them.

Meet Ontario's Premier - you get to pick her out!

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The heartbreaking sex-ed Premier Wynne gave her own children

TORONTO, March 11, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) -- As Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne touts her role as a mother to show she is qualified to update the province’s sex-ed curriculum, information has surfaced about how she left her 13-year marriage and wreaked havoc in the lives of her three young children as she took up her homosexual relationship with her current partner, Jane Rounthwaite. Read the rest of the story on LifeSiteNews!

Did Pope Francis really say this? The Vatican must clear the air, now!

Reprinted below is the report from the Daily Mail featuring the interview with a childhood friend of Pope Francis. The man alleges that the Pope will allow "priests to marry" and the approved of Holy Communion for someone living "common-law."
Some comments first.
A celibate priesthood in the western Church is a discipline. Eastern priests can be married as can those coming in from the Ordinariate. However, priests cannot "get married." Ever! Never in the history of the Church were priests allowed to "get married" East or West. What was permitted and is in the East and in the Orthodox and by exception in the Latin Rite, is for already "married men" to be ordained as priests.
No Pope, in my view, has the moral authority to make such a decision. He may have juridical authority as the Supreme Pontiff but to do so would be an outrage. Nothing short of an Ecumenical Council should ever consider such a drastic change and good grief, don't call a Council!
If this is a back door to let back in those priests of Corpus and the rest of those Judases who could not live up to their vows and left to marry, then we are headed for disaster. If my own second cousin, former member of the Resurrectionist Fathers was ever de-laicised, I would publicly out my Arian heretic second cousin right here and I would do it by name. He denies the Divinity of Christ and most of them probably do. He is a disgrace to his Lebanese heritage and was the shame of his late mother and when he said grace at my sisters house the last time I saw him, I interrupted him to invoke the Holy Trinity, which that Arian denies.
If this report is true, we are in even more serious trouble than imagined. The fault for this confusion and distress amongst the faithful lies with Pope himself. This is what he can expect for being so imprudent with interviews, name-calling and the disturbance of souls through those whom he keeps  close.
The Holy Father has an obligation to speak on this issue, in fact, I have the perfect question asked recently to my by someone in the Apostolic Palace; I would ask, Holy Father "what are your intentions?"

EXCLUSIVE: Pope wants to scrap centuries-old ban on priests marrying and told divorced woman 'living in sin' that she COULD receive Holy Communion, claims confidante

  • Oscar Crespo, a childhood friend of the Pope, said the pontiff revealed his 'priorities' for his papacy during a visit to the Vatican in October
  • Mr Crespo, 77, from Buenos Aires, claimed the Pope told him he wanted to allow priests to marry because the law is 'archaic'
  • The Pope also told him to pass a message to a woman 'living in sin' who had been divorced that she could receive Holy Communion again
  • Argentinian teacher Claudia Garcia Larumbe told Mail Online she was 'speechless' after receiving the message from the Pope
  • The Vatican said that 'if' the Pope had these conversations they were private and 'does not have
    By Matt Roper In Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Published: 10:04 GMT, 12 March 2015 Updated: 10:19 GMT, 12 March 2015
A childhood friend of Pope Francis has claimed that he intends to overturn the centuries-old ban on Catholic priests from getting married and that he told a divorcee 'living in sin' that she could receive Holy Communion.
The Pope considers the law on priestly celibacy 'archaic' and 'not part of the doctrine of the Church', according to the confidante.
The friend also claimed the Argentinian-born pope also vowed to reform another Catholic rule which bars divorced people in new relationships from taking the Holy Communion, MailOnline can reveal.
According to Oscar Crespo, Pope Francis said that changing the Catholic law which bars civil divorcees from taking a full part in church life is the 'number one priority' of his papacy.
Crespo said that the Pope, 78, also sent a message to a divorced woman 'living in sin' with a new partner assuring her that she was free to confess and receive the Eucharist.
The Catholic Church doesn't recognise divorce, considering that anyone who remarries or starts a sexual relationship with another person other than the one they first married is committing adultery.
Taking Holy Communion while in a state of sin is considered an even graver sin.
Argentinian teacher Claudia Garcia Larumbe had sent a message to the Pope via Mr Crespo asking if she really was excluded from confessing or taking communion after moving in with her new partner.
After Mr Crespo reminded the Pope that church law 'forbids' divorcees in new relationships from partaking in the holy sacraments, Francis said: 'Just tell her the Pope said that she can'.
Ms Larumbe, 39, told Mail Online she was 'speechless and emotional' after receiving the Holy Father's personal dispensation to partake in the key Catholic sacraments.
The full story can be read here:

The Cathedral Cabaret!

Something odd today. For some reason an old post from April 15, 2013 which features a cabaret performance of secular music with tickets sold in Toronto's St. Michaels Cathedral has been making the rounds today. You can clearly see the throne in the typical Masonic Lodge presider manner with its green upholstery as this was before the elevation of the Archbishop to the College of Cardinals. It's very odd because not only here but over at Barona somebody's been creeping this old post and raising this as an issue in the combox on a totally unrelated post. Ah; trolls. The singer is quite talented, no doubt about that. The concert should just never been allowed in the Cathedral or any Catholic church.

I can't imagine why or what would be wrong with this; can you?

Oh well, it must be just me that finds this odd.

Go away then, nothing to see here.



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