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Heretics allowed in the Vatican

I've not had a chance to comment on the feminist display of apostasy at the Vatican as reported in LifeSiteNews.

Something is coming, I feel it in every cell and in my bones and I've felt it for two years. 

We are on the cusp of it now and I think often of a quote from Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich that "the bread would not rise."

Paul Anthony Melanson at La Salette Journey approaches it head-on for what it is.

Parce Domine, parce populo tuo. Ne in aternum irascaris nobis.

At the Vatican: Precursors of the Antichrist who will manage to abolish the Mass

Lifesite is reporting that, "This weekend the Vatican formally hosted one of Britain’s most virulently pro-abortion and pro-homosexual writers, as well as the head of an American organization promoting female ordination, at an officially sanctioned event inside Vatican City walls. Organizers spoke to Vatican Radio as well as the secular press, praising the new atmosphere within the Church’s leadership that made the conference possible.


The secular media is beginning to notice

Cardinal vs. Cardinal - I stand with the one who will resist because he stands with Christ!

Once again, Hilary White has the story as she reports on Cardinal vs. Cardinal in England.

Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke
Raymond Cardinal Burke advises us to prepare for the worst in defense of marriage -martyrdom" if necessary. The Filipino Tagle speaks of the need to avoid "harsh" and "severe" language. For Cardinal Burke to make such a statement he must know those selected for the Synod are thinking. Dare we ask, is the Synod stacked? If it is, who would have done such a thing, and why?

Filipino Cardinal Tagle
This blog and its writer and spouse will stand with the unbroken Catholic faith from Our Lord Jesus Christ. We know that this is where Cardinal Burke stands. As for Tagle and the rest of these, where do they stand and with whom? 

I've said it before and I will say it again, no matter the price we must not concede.

These men, and you know their names; these men will try to change doctrine by stealth. They will put forward and try to ram through the Synod pastoral practices, initiatives and new ways of speaking that will change doctrine, regardless. This is not a false statement on my part, they have admitted it!

You know it. I know it. They know it and they know that we know it; and they will bear, oops, I mean "bare" their teeth because they are not bears but wolves! (shout out from the Vox to E.M. for catching that and adding to the sentence!)

We will stand up to them. We will not be silenced. We will not allow them to tear down the faith and doctrine. 

Further, as Mundabor writes; (admit it now, you read him!) "Whatever happens we will stay in the Church Christ founded;" and we will beat these pigs out of the Temple if it kills us!

With whom do you stand?

In England, one cardinal says brace for martyrdom over marriage, while another denounces ‘harsh’ language

March 12, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Two cardinals active at October’s Extraordinary Synod on the Family offered strikingly contrasted messages on the hot-button issues from the Synod in talks to crowds in England on the weekend.
While American Cardinal Raymond Burke urged Christians to be prepared to face martyrdom if need be in defense of marriage, Filipino Cardinal Luis Tagle’s remarks on the issue focused on the need to avoid “harsh” and “severe” language about homosexuals and Catholics who ‘remarry’ without an annulment.

When I grow up I want to be just like you so that when I have a son he can be just like me

Two weeks ago after Saturday Mass, the Fox and I had tea with our friend Ambrosia who lives next door to the church. Another tenant in the big old house, Gustavo, one with whom we were acquainted, came by to chat about the lawsuit that was never intended because according to Pope Francis, we are entering a "Holy Year of Mercy." Phew, thank you Pope!

Gustavo is of Italian and Mexican ancestry and spent his childhood in Mexico before coming to Canada. The subject of Argentinian men came up and how Mexicans and others in Central and South America take issue with "Argentinians." Gustavo continued, "there is a joke about Argentinians -- Dad, when I grow up I want to be just like you so that when I have a son he can be just like me."

In this story on Brietbart, taken from the original Spanish at Noticieros, Pope Francis says that "the devil doesn't forgive Mexico" because of Our Lady's appearance at Guadalupe. He also spoke about the need for Argentina to avoid "mexicanisation."

The Bishop of Rome went on to say that "We Argentineans aren’t humble” and that, “We are very conceited.”

Suicide, according to the truth as revealed by God through the Catholic Church, is a violation of the Commandments and is no joking matter. It destroys souls and families and leaves nothing but suffering in its wake. However, our non-introverted Pope who exhorted us to "make a mess" and manages well in that regard and  attests to Argentinian arrogance spoken of by Gustavo when he quipped, "Do you know how an Argentinian commits suicide?” the Pope asked, joking. “He climbs up his ego and then jumps off!”

"God is an Argentine, understand?:                  "The referees as well!"

Getting Jesus off the floor - one person at a time and it begins with you!

Would you do this? Then why do you receive Him in your hands?

An reprint of an old post of April 28, 2008

After work one day, I attended St. Michael's Cathedral in Toronto for the late afternoon Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. I arrived early and was able to pray the Rosary during the exposition and adoration which occurs daily at the Cathedral from after the lunch hour Mass until the end of the day. This daily exposition and adoration has been going on for as far as I can remember. It is probably what has kept this wretched City from sinking even further into the abyss.

The Cathedral in Toronto is indeed a wonderful example of Gothic revival. Oh, I could make a few improvements such as restoring the High Altar and a Communion Rail; but other than that it is quite stunning. Its windows must be amongst the most beautiful in Canada. Through the St. Michael's Choir School they have kept alive at every Sunday and Holy Day liturgy, Gregorian chant and the sacred choral music of the Church's patrimony.

You probably think a "but" is coming; well gentle people, it is.

After I received the Eucharist (on the tongue) I had no sooner closed my mouth and the woman who preceded me let out a little gasp; there He lay dropped on the carpet, 5 cm from my right foot and my steel-toed construction boot. She dropped Him, she dropped Him from her hand and He bounced off the toe of that boot.

How is this possible that she dropped Him from her hand? I mean, did she just let go!

Everyone stopped, including me. I stood perfectly still with Our LORD lying there beside my foot. Father bent down slowly and picked Him up and held Him in his hand against the ciborium

If that were not enough, a few moments later as I was kneeling on the right aisle the last communicant approached. She took the Host and started to walk away without consuming. I put up my hands to gain Father's attention and was prepared to stop her (after all, I am a Knight of Columbus) if he could not. Fortunately, she got the message and consumed Our LORD. Perhaps, she was just lazy or sloppy, perhaps she meant no sacrilege.

Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta often opined that this change (an indult which is optional for the local Bishop to accept and can be removed by the Pope) was the worst problem in the world today; "Wherever I go in the whole world, the thing that makes me the saddest is watching people receive Communion in the hand."

If you are in your mid to late 50's, you will have had a similar experience to myself. When I celebrated my First Communion I was on my knees at the communion rail. Together, with my other classmates we held a white linen cloth which was hung over the rail by the altar boys and which we held up under our chins. An altar boy accompanied the priest holding a brass plate called a paten and placed it under our chins. The priest approached and held up the Holy Eucharist and with it made the Sign of the Cross whilst saying; "Corpus Domini nostri Jesu Christi custodiat animam meam in vitam aeternam. Amen" which translates; May the Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ bring you to eternal life. Amen.

A few years later I was told that I was "lucky" because I was part of the first class of altar boys that did not need to learn Latin. By this time, and in the new church building, there was no communion rail and nobody knelt any more for Holy Communion. People lined up and approached the priest in a similar fashion to what they do at McDonald's or Tim Hortons (they spell it without the apostrophe!) We altar boys still held the paten and people received the Eucharist on their tongues. When the last person had communicated the altar boys would carefully carry their patens horizontally to the Altar and assist the priest with the ablution. I can clearly remember seeing little pepper sized particles of the Eucharist on the paten which the priest wiped off with his fingers into the chalice after which I rinsed his fingers over the chalice and he would consume the remains.

I don't need to describe how Our Blessed LORD is received today. So instead, let me pose a few questions:

Do you wash your hands before receiving his body?

Do you "make a throne with your left and receive Him in your right" and then bring your hands to your mouth to feed yourself? Or, do you take Him with your fingers and pop Him into your mouth like a cracker or a potato chip?

Do you purify your hands afterwards as was the actual practice in those days prior to the ninth century when the few laity that actually did receive the Eucharist received in their hands?

Have you ever noticed any particles left on your hands?

Do you think any particles would have fallen to the floor to be tramped under afoot, or mopped up and poured down a municipal drain or vacuumed up from the ubiquitous carpet?

Do you think someone did not consume the Sacred Species but instead stole Him so as to dishonour and defame Him in a black satanic ritual?

Did you ever find Him in a hymn book or under a pew or lying on the asphalt in the parking lot?

Something to think about isn't it?

There is an abbreviated Latin saying in the Church, Lex orendi, lex credendi. That is to say, the law of prayer becomes the law of belief. We are sensory beings and how we worship, how we pray, what we see and smell and hear affects how we think, how we believe and what we believe.

Receiving Holy Communion in the hand was an abuse that began in Holland and spread to Belgium and then to England before crossing the Atlantic. It was the late 1960's and it was wrong. Pope Paul VI, at worst, an ineffectual shepherd, was either incapable or unwilling to stop what was considered to be an abuse and abomination. He condemned it, regretted it and then with absurdity, legalised it!

Just because we can does not mean that we should.

Throughout history, it was often the laity, or one nun as in St Catherine of Sienna or a holy priest as with St. Philip Neri with the gifts of the Holy Spirit who helped to rescue the church from its corruption. Who says that it cannot be you and me, one person at a time. You can fix the problem, it really is very simple and you can begin the next time you attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

You can join Pope Benedict's plan which is becoming clearer.

I just didn't think it would be lead from Kazakhstan.

This situation today is a perfect time to send you to read here about the Archbishop of Lima in Peru. He has just banned Communion-in-the-Hand!

Here is a podcast by the ubiquitous Father Z on the subject.

Here is a lengthy and necessary read by Jude A. Huntz which appeared in the March 1997 issue of Homiletic and Pastoral Review.

This was just posted by Fr. Thomas Kocik on the New Liturgical Movement.

Be sure to read this essay by the Most Reverend Athanasius Schneider, Auxilary Bishop of Karaganda in Kazakhstan.

No justice for the victim priest and the burning incense at the altar of the insurance gods

A few days ago, I posted some news stories which included the ongoing miscarriage of justice against Father Gordon MacRae - even the Wall Street Journal reports on it. The full details can be found at These Stone Walls

The situation regarding Father Gordon MacRae is not lost when we consider a recent essay by Richard P. Fitzgibbons, M.D., a Psychiatrist who has written and spoken much on the subject of homosexuality on EWTN and elsewhere. It is worth reading his expert analysis and opinion on the subject. Of course, connected to the matter are the tragic cases of men who were homosexuals and who came into the Catholic priesthood to prey upon their victims and did enormous damage to the lives and souls of these victims and the Church. 
Dr. Richard P. Fitzgibbons

Yet, as with Father MacRae, not all priests that are accused are guilty and not all are homosexuals. Some are unjustly accused and their lives and service to the Church ruined. The leading Catholic expert on the subject, Dr. Fitzgibbons writes in the January 29, 2015 issue of Homiletic and Pastoral Review on the Accusations against Priests and the need for more justice and psychological science

In the February 24, 2015 issue of the same magazine, California attorney David A. Shanefelt who represents policy holders against insurance companies and Joseph P. Maher, president of Opus Bono Sacderdotii, which I have previously supported, have written on the sacrificing of priests to satisfy insurance companies.

The witch-hunt that has been undertaken by some bishops is as reprehensible as their cover-up of the crimes of previous generations of priests. They were cowards then and they are cowards now. They have learnt little.

The failure of the episcopacy to the victim-priest and the victims of some priests has been a failure of responsibility and charity. It is a lack of courage and justice of the first order. One can think here of Raymond Lahey the now laicised and disgraced former Bishop of Antigonish in Canada who whist putting together settlements for victims was engaging in his own fantasies with child pornography on his computer. We are still reminded to this day that "Lahey is known as a kind and gentle pastor, particularly sensitive to the needs of those who have suffered the scourge of sexual abuse." Except of course those who suffered the abuse that occurred during the filming and photography of child pornography on his computer of this kind, gentle and sensitive pastor.

How was this not known by the Canadian episcopacy?

It's time for more Catholics to speak out on this continuing injustice and hypocrisy and I say this as someone with his own personal perspective on the matter that goes beyond the events of the last few weeks.

Edward Pentin: "Is the Synod Secretariat Stacking the Deck Again?"

Edward Pentin with Pope Benedict XVI
If the name Edward Pentin is not familiar to you, it will be. When Cardinal Kasper made his infamous quip during last October's Synod on the Family about Africans, that they "should not tell us too much what to do" it was to Edward Pentin. You may recall that Kasper then denied the comment and after admitting to it tried to discredit the journalist. Quite the act of charity by a Prince of the Church, it was.

Pentin has spent over a decade working, monitoring, reporting and consulting on the Vatican and Catholic issues. This is a respected journalist and his work has been in such publications as The Sunday Times, Newsweek, Foreign Affairs, Newsmax and the National Catholic Register as well as appearances on a range of broadcasters. 

Pentin's credibility has never been questioned except by this German Cardinal. Kasper, you'll recall, has for over a year under this Pope received special consideration for his "mercy" philosophy notwithstanding his mostly heterodox views on marriage and the Eucharist that puts him at odds with St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI and the Church's doctrine only to be lauded by Francis. 

Pentin has reported in the National Catholic Register of what appears to be the beginning of a stacking of the deck for this October's Ordinary Synod on the Family, the second part to the disaster we faced last October.

He has done the research and provides the documentation at the link below. Two of note are a Synod appointee with links to Kasper, and a professor intent on reforming the image and theology of the reprimanded Teilard de Chardin.  Next we have an underling of Archbishop Bruno Forte, the author of the homosexualist innovation in the Relatio Report and a Jesuit professor who advocates "sharing" of the Eucharist. 

Pentin's article is a must-read and a call-to-action if we can borrow that phrase for what lies ahead of all of us.

As some point, we are not going to be able to hold back any longer and we might be keen to ask, "Holy Father, what are your intentions?"

http://www.ncregister.com/blog/edward-pentin/is-the-synod-secretariat-stacking-the-deck-again?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+NCRegisterDailyBlog+National+Catholic+Register#When:2015-03-14 20:24:01

The case of Father James Haley


Please pray for Father Haley. I've been in touch with someone through an intermediary. His faith has been shaken and he needs to know that Catholics care what happened to him and are praying for him!

Silenced priest warns of gay crisis

Starting today, 290 of the nation's Catholic bishops will meet at the Capitol Hyatt for their yearly business meeting and to tie up loose ends on the massive sexual-abuse crisis that has shaken the U.S. Catholic Church to its core in the past two years. Although it's been less than a year since the church revealed…

Forward! (words matter)

"You cannot turn back. We have to always go forward, always forward and who goes back is making a mistake." 

Barack Obamas New Slogan Is Eerily Familiar to Communists Forward for Stalin! Campaign
Forward to the victory of Communism!
Barack Obamas New Slogan Is Eerily Familiar to Communists Forward for Stalin! Campaign
Under Lenin's Banner, Forward to victory!
Barack Obamas New Slogan Is Eerily Familiar to Communists Forward for Stalin! Campaign
Great Warriors Forward to the West!
Barack Obamas New Slogan Is Eerily Familiar to Communists Forward for Stalin! Campaign
Let's march forward under the banner of Mao Zedong!
Barack Obamas New Slogan Is Eerily Familiar to Communists Forward for Stalin! Campaign
Mao's great leap forward
Barack Obamas New Slogan Is Eerily Familiar to Communists Forward for Stalin! Campaign
Under the banner of Lenin and the Leadership of Stalin -- Forward!
Barack Obamas New Slogan Is Eerily Familiar to Communists Forward for Stalin! Campaign
Under Lenin's banner let's go forward for the Motherland, our victory!
Barack Obamas New Slogan Is Eerily Familiar to Communists Forward for Stalin! Campaign
Forward for our brothers!
Barack Obamas New Slogan Is Eerily Familiar to Communists Forward for Stalin! Campaign
Non-party members and Communists march forward to our best future!
Barack Obamas New Slogan Is Eerily Familiar to Communists Forward for Stalin! Campaign
Forward to communism!

Father James Haley, Bishop Loverde and the Boy's Club - a story retold


Please pray for Father Haley. I've been in touch with someone that knows him. His faith has been shaken and he needs to know that Catholics care what happened to him and are praying for him!

A recent post on the persecution of priests lead to a comment about Father James Haley, formerly of the Diocese of Arlington. I had not heard of this case prior until now. I have heard today from someone who knows Father Haley; he is still "suspended" and has been shaken by this ordeal. He is living in a trailer near a nursing home where his elderly father resides. He picks up odd jobs where he can to support himself. 

Let us pray for him and that God will bring justice to him and restore his priesthood to him and bring good out of this evil.

All of us need to understand the intricate connections of what is happening now with the Synod and those who manipulate and undertake machinations, including what Edward Pentin called on Saturday, a stacking of the deck." The roots of the last October's Relatio by Archbishop Bruno Forte with the full knowledge of the Bishop of Rome as confirmed by the Secretary of State run deep. One can only recall the admission of Bella Dodd and conclude that we are living in the School of Darkness.

I am sure that John Vennari at Catholic Family News won't mind this reprint from the Daily Catholic where permission was once given for its publication.  What struck me was that one of the priests which Fr. Haley had complained about to Bishop Loverde was later removed because his collection of pornography was discovered.

Originally posted at The Daily Catholic the Editor's notes include: We have received the gracious permission of John Vennari, editor of Catholic Family News to reprint various articles that have appeared in his publication that would be of interest to our readers. We urge you to subscribe to John's excellent monthly publication for only $20 a year by calling 1-905-871-6292 or e-mail them at CFN.

Bishop Paul Stephen Loverde turns seventy-five in September and will submit his resignation to the Bishop of Rome. This story was covered significantly in its day. It is a story worth retelling lest any of us think that the infiltration into the heart of the Church is not well-established and very, very deep. Let us pray that his successor in Arlington will bring justice to Father Haley and the have the courage to do what needs to be done there. The article below does not make for easy reading, but it is necessary reading to further highlight the struggle that we are in to preserve our own faith and protect our families and to fight for our Holy Mother, the Church.

Father Haley and "The Boys Club" 
by Mark Fellows

For years governments have had laws protecting whistle-blowers, These laws shield from retaliation those employees who come forward with evidence of illegal or immoral practices within their agency. The case of Father James Haley makes it evident that the Catholic Church in America offers no similar protection to its priests.

Father Haley, a priest in the diocese of Arlington, Virginia, has been permanently suspended by Bishop Paul Loverde for testifying in a legal deposition about the immoral practices of his fellow diocesan clergy. In a formal notice to Haley, given on October 28, 2002, Bishop Loverde stated that Haley was guilty of violating an order for him not to publicize priestly wrongdoing in order "to avoid scandal, to maintain ecclesiastical discipline and to protect the reputation and privacy of both the faithful and priests of this diocese." 1. As quoted in The Washington Times, November 13, 2002.]

In fact Father Haley never went public with any of his incriminating information. For years he went privately to Bishop Loverde, not just with his complaints, but with indisputable evidence of clergy immorality in his diocese. Bishop Loverde's reference to Haley "publicizing priestly wrongdoing" concerns deposition testimony given by Father Haley pursuant to a law suit brought against Bishop Loverde and his diocese by a parishioner, James Lambert. The suit alleged diocesan negligence in failing to remove an obviously unfit priest who had given public scandal for years. 2. The lawsuit was eventually dismissed for failing to comply with the statute of limitations.

After failing to get a judge to keep the contents of the deposition sealed, the Arlington diocese claimed Haley was not legally required to give testimony, but did so voluntarily. This, according to Bishop Loverde, meant that Haley had violated a "no talk" rule the Bishop imposed upon him a year previously. But the deposition, which is reproduced in its entirely on the Roman Catholic Faithful website, 3. See www.rcf.org. In addition, Father Haley's attorney, Greg Murphy, has sent me a copy of the original subpoena requiring Father Haley to testify. Although the Arlington diocese publicly maintains Haley was not subpoenaed, in their legal efforts to seal his deposition testimony diocesan lawyers admitted that Father Haley was testifying "in response to this subpoena." Letter to Bishop Loverde, from Greg Murphy, Esq., January 3, 2003, p. 5. clearly reveals that Father Haley was subpoenaed. 4. Deposition of Father James Haley, conducted by Gregory L. Murphy, Esq., on July 24, 2002, pursuant to the civil lawsuit Lambert v. Bishop Paul Loverde and the Diocese of Arlington, p. 4. (Hereinafter cited as "Deposition, p. __"). This means he was legally required to answer questions under oath about certain priests and practices in his diocese. Consequently, even if one considers deposition testimony "publicizing", Haley did not do so voluntarily. Since Haley was legally and morally obligated to tell the truth, Bishop Loverde's treatment of Haley strikes many as retaliation.

The Outsider

Although Father Haley has been silenced, his story is told in his deposition testimony. Here we learn that James Raymond Haley was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in 1987 at St. Thomas More Church in Arlington, Virginia. "Homosexuality within the priesthood is something that I did not know about when I was ordained," the forty-six year old Father Haley testified, "but from my very first assignment at Saint Mark's (in Vienna, Virginia) became more and more aware of." Haley "started to see associations between those who were exhibiting homosexual behaviors and friendships." Homosexual priests supported each other, and adopted "a defensive attitude towards anyone who might threaten them." 5. Deposition Testimony, p. 139

Haley was also troubled by what he heard about the homosexual priest network in the confessional, but the list of priests he could confide in was getting shorter. One of his seminary classmates was also a priest in the Arlington diocese. He told Haley about entering the rectory at St. Mary's and finding his pastor having anal intercourse with the maintenance man, and the time he visited another parish where the priest had an eighteen year relationship with another homosexual man. Haley's former classmate complained to the diocese, became depressed when they did nothing, and left the priesthood. 6. Deposition, p. 146.

Determined not to leave the priesthood, Haley sought out Bishop John R. Keating, then bishop of the Arlington diocese. Over the course of many meetings Haley recounted to Keating "a whole list and litany" of homosexual activity in the diocesan clergy. Like the "extraordinarily gay-looking masseuse" who regularly came to the rectory to give closed door massages to Haley's pastor. Or the event that occurred a week after Haley began his first parish assignment. There was a knock on the back door. A man asked for Haley's associate, calling him by his first name. Haley knocked on the pastor's door. The priest, expecting his friend, surprised Haley by answering the door naked. Haley told him a man was downstairs, and the priest said, "Send him up." 7. Deposition, pp. 141-142.

Bishop Keating confirmed Haley's alarm over the homosexual network in the Church. According to Keating the problem went higher. "He indicated a problem existed even among the bishops and cardinals, naming some that surprised me," Haley testified. 8. Deposition, p. 140. Although he was sympathetic, in the end Keating was no help. According to Haley, Keating said "he could not do anything about homosexual priests or their activities." 9. Ibid

Haley was stunned to learn that  "A bishop would knowingly ordain a homosexual man…I thought that they would want to know that a man or a seminarian or a priest was homosexual. And they couldn't care less, so I started to feel like the outsider, like maybe I was the unique guy. That it wasn't the gay men that were unique, it was the straight men that were unique." 10. Deposition, p. 144.
Adding to his discomfort was what he was hearing in the confessional: "I was becoming aware of some significant sexual problems among our priests, which I could not say to anybody." In 1995 Haley began seeing a psychologist, "to help me deal with the emotional burden of knowing what I did not want to know about my fellow priests through confession." 11. Deposition, p. 118.

"The Boy's Club"

In 1997 Father Haley was transferred to All Saints Church, the largest parish in Virginia. He joined two other associates to Pastor Jim Verrechia, an up and coming priest who seemed destined for bigger and better things than parish life. Father Verrechia was on the Board of Directors of Catholic Charities and St. Mary's Seminary; a Judge on the Diocesan Tribunal; a frequent columnist for the Arlington Catholic Herald; the Bishop's Master of Ceremonies, and so on. 12. See Arlington Diocese Racked By Sex Scandals, by James Bendell, Esq., www.rcf.org. He also liked to visit homosexual pornography cites on the Internet, a fact Father Haley discovered while using the rectory computer. 13. Deposition, p. 18. Another discovery was over three hundred e-mail letters Verrechia had written to a married female parishioner.

This last discovery was less a surprise than Verrechia's appetite for homosexual pornography. Father Verrechia had for some time conducted a very public romance with Nancy Lambert. The two spent hours together, sometimes socially, like the parish party where they sat together in a hot tub drinking wine, Verrechia's arm around Nancy. Other time was spent privately, like the time Haley ran into Nancy coming out of Verrechia's bedroom very late at night. It was called "the Father Verrechia show," and was a source of scandal to All Saints parishioners, and a source of pain for Nancy's husband and children, who were also parishioners.

"It was a full-blown scandal by the fall of 1998," Haley testified. 14. Deposition, pp. 211-212. Numerous parishioners and one of the associate pastors complained to the diocese about Father Verrechia and Nancy, but nothing changed. Bishop Keating died in 1998, and in 1999 Pope John Paul II appointed Paul Loverde as Arlington's diocesan bishop. That same year Father Haley presented to his new bishop indisputable evidence of Verrechia's misconduct: he downloaded Verrechia's letters and visits to gay porn sites onto compact disc, and presented it to Loverde. According to Haley, Loverde told him he was going on vacation and didn't have time to look at it. 15. Deposition, pp. 70-71.

Haley stressed the importance of the situation, and Loverde repeatedly said he was going on vacation first. According to Haley, Loverde did not seemed surprised by anything Haley told him about Verrechia, and was not happy to receive hard evidence concerning the bad priest. Haley testified that when Loverde finally found time to look at Haley's evidence, he suggested that Haley authored the e-mails. When Haley laughed aloud at the idea that he had composed hundreds of e-mails, Loverde implied that Haley had "doctored" the e-mails.

Word got back to Verrechia far more quickly than Loverde got back to Haley. The day after he delivered the evidence to Loverde, Haley discovered that Verrechia had deleted all his e-mails to Nancy Lambert from the rectory computer. Shortly after this Haley was transferred to St. Lawrence Church in Alexandria.

Here he met Father Erbacher. One of the first activities the two priests shared was Erbacher going through the St. Lawrence picture book and showing Haley "the boys of the previous pastor." 16. Deposition, p. 145. By this he meant altar boys the former pastor had paid $500 or $1000 to continue as his altar boys, a duty that included, among other things, vacations at the pastor's beach home. 17. Deposition, p. 153, which includes a similar story concerning a different priest. Erbacher was either very careless or very confident, for he also told Haley how he regularly embezzled funds from collection baskets. The trick to embezzlement, according to Erbacher, was that "you have to be consistent" in how the money is taken. According to Haley, "there were conversations that indicated Father Erbacher had been trained by certain priests of the diocese on how to handle and obtain money." 18. Deposition, p. 149-150. Some of the stolen money was used to increase Erbacher's collection of homosexual pornography, which featured young boys. 19. Deposition, p. 225-226. Pictures of much of this evidence were marked as Exhibits at the deposition. In addition to evidence of embezzlement, there are also photos of a large pornography collection. One of the titles is "Merry Christmas."

Erbacher also voluntarily revealed to Haley many more of the homosexual priests in the Arlington diocese. He called the gay priest network "the boy's club." Erbacher's chattiness may have come from the security of being well connected to "the boy's club." One of Erbacher's best friends was Chancellor of the Arlington diocese, and rumored to be, like Erbacher, a homosexual. This did not stop Haley from presenting to Bishop Loverde:  "pictures of his (Erbacher's) homosexual pornography collection of basically young boys, very similar to what Father Verrecchia had been looking at, but much more extensive…And so I had gone to Bishop Loverde and told him he had a significant problem at Saint Lawrence. That there was immoral and criminal activity occurring and that it was very obvious and that he needed to go and see it." 20. Deposition, pp. 155-156.

Bishop Loverde did not visit St. Lawrence. The only immediate change in the parish was Father Haley's transfer, to St. Mary's parish in Fredericksburg. Two months later word of Erbacher's activities was leaked to the media. After Father Erbacher's activities became public knowledge, Bishop Loverde immediately removed Erbacher and ordered a financial audit of St. Lawrence. The Washington Post reported that Fr. Erbacher stole approximately $320,000 from parish collection baskets. 21. Washington Post, December, 28, 2002.

Father Haley had noticed a pattern. He was being transferred shortly after each conversation he had with Bishop Loverde about immoral priests. Upon arriving at St. Mary's, Haley testified that the parish priest, Father Daniel Hamilton, was "involved in extraordinarily graphic and incredibly disturbing sadomasochism, sexual torture, cross-dressing, transgender pornography that involved she-males. He (Hamilton) was completely addicted, daily immersed in this kind of sexual horror." 22. Deposition, p. 183.

In September 2001 Father Haley went to Bishop Loverde again. He asked Loverde for a leave of absence "to find a place in the Church outside the diocese of Arlington, where a true respect for priestly holiness and morality and some sort of policy against homosexuals and homosexual activities was to be found." 23. Ibid After requesting leave to find another diocese, Haley also mentioned that there were "problems at St. Mary's." According to Haley, Loverde replied "he was tired of me telling him these vague references to people - priests with problems - and unless I gave him substantial, credible information he couldn't do anything about it." 24. Deposition, pp. 184-5

Haley had presented Loverde with substantial, credible evidence concerning Fathers Verrecchia and Erbacher. Loverde's response with Father Verrecchia was to suspect Haley of manufacturing and doctoring the evidence. While Loverde stated he had told Verrecchia to stop seeing Nancy Lambert, Verrecchia was not suspended or evaluated for his unpriestly behavior. His relationship with Lambert - and the public scandal it caused - continued until Spring of 2000, when Verrecchia voluntarily and abruptly left the Church to marry the newly divorced Lambert (on Holy Saturday), after impregnating her earlier that year.

Bishop Loverde was equally ineffectual with Father Erbacher. He never visited St. Lawrence's parish to investigate the evidence Haley had given him, and only acted after Erbacher's activities were publicized. Loverde appeared more effective at transferring good priests than disciplining bad ones. "It seemed," said Father Haley, "that the only person that was getting into trouble was me."

The trouble continued one week later, when, in response to Bishop Loverde's complaint that he couldn't do anything without evidence, Haley presented to the bishop evidence of Father Hamilton's perversity. "At the end of that meeting," Haley testified, "which was basically a slide show of the pictures of his (Hamilton's) incredible collection, the bishop told me that I had better watch out, that I did not know what he (Loverde) was capable of doing." 25. Deposition, p. 190.

One week later Father Haley was summoned to the chancery. Loverde handed him a letter of resignation and told Haley to sign it. Haley refused, and asked Loverde what he was going to do about Father Hamilton. Loverde thrust forward another piece of paper, which according to Haley, read: "I hereby instruct you to get out of Saint Mary's parish by 7 o'clock this evening." 26. Deposition, p. 192. Haley persisted in asking about Hamilton, and Loverde said Hamilton was being told of Haley's allegations. He did not say that Hamilton was being investigated, evaluated, or suspended. 27. The Washington Post article (previously cited) reported that Bishop Loverde ordered Hamilton to undergo treatment. Father Hamilton resigned from St. Mary's parish in August, 2002, and appears to have left the priesthood. The Post article is interesting for the fact that it scrupulously referred to "pornography" rather than homosexual pornography that was beyond stomach turning. Then Bishop Loverde produced another piece of paper, which Father Haley describes thusly:

"If you tell anybody by any means what has happened to Father Hamilton or anybody you will be immediately suspended from the priesthood without any warning. And (Loverde) gave me a further document that (sic) if I said anything about any priest, past, present, or future, in any behavior (I suppose it would include criminal behavior or child rape), that I would be suspended. And I said you mean I'm going to get suspended if I tell the truth to anyone but you, but if I tell you the truth you don't seem to do anything about it. So he took away my faculties, he took away my ability to preach." 28. Deposition, pp. 193-194.

Diocesan spokeswoman Linda Shovlain confirmed that Haley's right to celebrate Mass and administer the sacraments was revoked in October, 2001. 29. The Washington Post, December 28, 2002. Bishop Loverde has referred to this episode as granting Haley a requested "period of discernment" to discover whether he had a vocation to the priesthood, but very few priests in the history of the Church have begun a period of discernment by being stripped of their priestly faculties, forbidden from any type of pastoral ministry or preaching, and slapped with a (seemingly immoral) penal precept of silence. Loverde's period of discernment sounds more like a prison sentence.

Moreover, according to his sworn testimony, Haley had requested a leave of absence to find another diocese to be a priest in, not to decide whether or not to be a priest. He claims he told Loverde "emphatically, that I have never in the whole course of my priesthood asked to leave the priesthood." 30. Deposition, p. 206. In a June 14, 2002 letter, Haley told Loverde: "I have never requested a departure from the sacred priesthood." 31. Letter to Bishop Loverde by Greg Murphy, p. 4.

In spite of this, in all the letters Loverde has addressed to Haley since imposing a "period of discernment" upon him, the Bishop repeatedly writes: "Since it is your intention to leave the priesthood…I am more than happy to help you in your laicization from the priesthood." Haley believes that Bishop Loverde "is trying to strangle me out of the Church." 32. Deposition, pp. 205-206. He maintains Loverde has insisted that Haley enter treatment before he can regain his priestly faculties. He also states that Loverde "indicated to me in the letter of June 28th that on his part, he would not give approval for a transfer to any other bishop. So even if a bishop would want me, Bishop Loverde will not allow me to be transferred." 33. Deposition, p. 209. Father Haley presently subsists on a modest stipend from the Diocese of Arlington, which has required him to relocate several times. In January of this year he was back in Arlington, trying to meet with Bishop Loverde. His perseverance is noteworthy, particularly in light of his testimony concerning bishops and "boy's clubs":

"If everybody in these stories (about homosexual priests) gets together we're going to find out one little center and it always is the bishop in the diocese…they seem to know, but they will protect every single other person from knowing what they know." 34. Deposition, p. 173.
Bishop Loverde

Paul Loverde was born in Massachusetts in 1940, and ordained in the diocese of Norwich, Connecticut in 1965. He earned a Licentiate in Canon Law from the Catholic University of America. Father Loverde was an instructor in Canon Law and Bishop's Delegate for Clergy, as well as Chairman of the Presbyterial Council and Diocesan Pastoral Counsel. He became Auxiliary Bishop of Hartford in 1988, and was Bishop of Ogdensburg, New York, when Pope John Paul II appointed him Bishop of the Arlington Diocese. 35. From the USCCB Office of Communications announcing appointment of Bishop Loverde to the Arlington Diocese, January 25, 1999 (http://www.usccb.org/comm/archives/99-005.htm).

Bishop Loverde cannot be blamed for the condition of the diocese he took over. His predecessor appears to have allowed "the boy's club" to become firmly entrenched before Loverde arrived. In these circumstances it is understandable that a new bishop might, in prudence, take some time to familiarize himself with the homosexual order in the diocesan power structure. In this respect Loverde appears to have been very prudent. Initially, however, his actions pleased Arlington Catholics. Shortly after his installation the new bishop held prayer services outside several abortion clinics. Over 400 Catholics attended, and Loverde led small groups in the recitation of the Rosary. 36. Arlington Catholic Herald, April 8, 1999, reproduced online at www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/4152/loverde.htm". Loverde also canceled an event at a Dominican retreat house when he learned that radical feminist speakers, including Mary Hunt, had been invited to speak to retreatants. 37. Arlington Catholic Herald, reproduced at http://www.petersnet.net/browse/2581.htm. In his decision Loverde quoted Mary Hunt referring to herself "as a Catholic feminist liberation theologian, pro-choice and lesbian."

But under Bishop Loverde the Arlington diocese was also home for many "mini-Assisi" events, like the inter-faith prayer service Loverde hosted in February 2001, where care was taken to present the Bishop as an equal among equals with his separated Protestant brethren. 38. Arlington Catholic Herald, February 1, 2001, which features a picture of Loverde in the background, while in the foreground a Protestant minister leads a "Litany of Thanksgiving" at St. Bernadette's Catholic Church. I am in the possession of numerous other flyers and parish bulletins indicating that the insipid and dangerous drivel known as post-conciliar ecumenism - including inter-faith Good Friday services and petitions "For the Jewish people to enjoy a New Year" - is flourishing in the Arlington diocese. 39. These materials, too numerous to cite here, were provided to me by RCF attorney James Bendell.

Then there is the apparent belief of Bishop Loverde that unity in liturgy bars kneeling to receive Communion. This was enforced in his Cathedral during the same week Loverde permanently suspended Father Haley. The Cathedral rector not only refused Communion to Virginia Delegate Richard Black, he chased Black to the back of the Cathedral, shouting that Black was "a conservative idiot" and a "liar." 40. This incident was widely reported in the electronic press. I am quoting from an eye-witness, Joseph Strada, who wrote Loverde a letter of complaint. This lesson on how unity at all costs only causes disunity appears unheeded. 41.The Director of Seton School in Manassas, for instance, has declared that the custom of receiving Communion standing is "the custom and posture in every parish in the Diocese…we should avoid confusion and disunity…The fostering of unity in the Diocese of Arlington is one of Bishop Loverde's hopes since his arrival…" Sentinel, Thursday, January 25, 2001. Also unheeded is a Vatican statement declaring that "any refusal of Holy Communion to a member of the faithful on the basis of his or her kneeling posture to be a grave violation of one of the most basic rights of the Christian faithful…" 42. Statement of The Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments, Responses to Questions on Kneeling, published in the November-December 2002 edition of Notitiae.

As miserable as these anecdotes are, they only support the remarkably unremarkable conclusion that Arlington Catholics are victims of the usual post-conciliar muddle. But Bishop Loverde's treatment of Father James Haley has definitely raised the bar. Instead of acting like a shepherd by promptly investigating Haley's evidence in order to protect his flock, Loverde disbelieved Haley's proofs, transferred him twice, failed to give him promotions due a priest of his tenure, threatened him, stripped him of his faculties, publicly discredited him, blocked his transfer to another diocese, and permanently suspended him. Some of his public statements appear knowingly false, like his claim that Father Haley was not subpoenaed. The diocesan attorneys knew this, and surely Loverde either knew this as well, or should have investigated the matter before making his public statement. It is very probable that he also knew that diocesan lawyers tried repeatedly to postpone Father Haley's deposition, then declined to appear at the deposition to question Haley. 43. Deposition preamble by Greg Murphy, Esq.

Bishop Loverde appears unmoved by the protests of Arlington Catholics over his treatment of Father Haley. He maintains that he has acted properly in disciplining Father Haley, and in his treatment of the priests Father Haley exposed as unfit. "I expect every priest to live a virtuous life in keeping with his sacred calling, including his commitment to celibacy and chastity," he affirmed recently. 44. As quoted in Whistle-Blower Priest In Trouble With Diocese, ABC News Report, December 2, 2002.

This public statement conflicts with testimony Haley gave concerning statement Loverde allegedly made to him regarding homosexual priests. According to Haley, Loverde told him "there was nothing wrong" with homosexual priests, that "he never asks" if a priest is homosexual: "He said 'I have no right to ask.'" 45. Deposition testimony, pp. 157-158, p. 187. If true, this is a curious attitude not only for a bishop, but for the NCCB Chairman of the Vocations Committee, another position Loverde currently holds. 46. See U.S. Catholic Bishops, Secretariat for Vocations and Priestly Formation, Interview With Bishop Paul S. Loverde, at http://www.usccb.org/vocations/ordination/loverde.htm.

"When he consecrated the Sacrament, his voice would just tremble with emotion," a parishioner said of Father Haley. "We were bitterly sorry to lose him." 47. ABC News, Whistle-Blower Priest In Trouble With Diocese, December 2, 2002.

In the upside down world of the American Catholic Church, it appears that to have a vocation to the priesthood is grounds for suspension, and questioning whether a priest is a homosexual is morally abhorrent. As the rays of sunlight from the New Springtime of the Church fail to provide warmth, as we behold bare branches unadorned by the green leaves of renewal promised from the "New Pentecost of Vatican II," may Father Haley and other faithful Catholics gain consolation from the prophet in Wisdom:

"For the creature serving thee, the Creator,
Is made fierce against the unjust for their punishment…
Afflicted in a few things,
In many they shall be well rewarded,
Because God hath tried them,
And found them worthy of Himself…"
"The souls of the just are in God's hands,

and the elect find grace and mercy."

Has Pope Francis appointed a Homosexual Pederast to Chile's episcopacy?

The people of Chile and the Catholic faithful of the world deserve an answer.

Holy Father, who put this name before you? 

I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you did not know. 

Now you know.

We are keen to know Holy Father, what are your intentions?

On the other hand you're right and who am I to judge?

The Huffington Post had this on February 20, 2015.

Pope's zero tolerance for pedophiles faces test in Chile

Associated Press

In this April 8, 2011 photo, Bishop Juan Barros arrives to the Episcopal Conference of Chile in El Quisco, Chile. Barros has been tapped by Pope Francis to become bishop of a southern Chilean diocese in March 2015, provoking an unprecedented outcry by abuse victims and Catholic faithful who contend he covered up sexual abuse committed by his mentor and superior, Rev. Fernando Karadima, in the 1980s and 90s. Barros has declined to comment publicly on allegations against him. (AP Photo/La Tercera)
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SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — Juan Carlos Cruz recalls that he and another teen boy would lie down on the priest's bed, one resting his head at the man's shoulder, another sitting near his feet. The priest would kiss the boys and grope them, he said, all while the Rev. Juan Barros watched.
"Barros was there, and he saw it all," Cruz, now a 51-year-old journalist, told The Associated Press.
Barros has been tapped by Pope Francis to become bishop of a southern Chilean diocese this month, provoking an unprecedented outcry by abuse victims and Catholic faithful who contend he covered up sexual abuse committed by his mentor and superior, the Rev. Fernando Karadima, in the 1980s and '90s. A Vatican investigation found Karadima guilty in 2011 and sentenced the now 84-year-old priest to a cloistered life of "penitence and prayer" for what is Chile's highest-profile case of abuse by a priest.
Barros had long declined to comment publicly on allegations against him. However, in a letter sent Monday to the priests of the diocese he'll be overseeing, he said he did not know about Karadima's abuses when they happened.
"I never had knowledge of, or could have imagined, the serious abuses that this priest committed against the victims," said the letter, a copy of which was obtained by the AP.
Now bishop for Chile's armed forces, he has said he learned of Karadima's abuse through a 2010 news report he saw on television, according to court records.
While not directly accused of abuse, Barros is said by at least three victims to have witnessed the sexual molestation at the Sacred Heart of Jesus church, part of the El Bosque parish that serves an affluent neighborhood of Santiago.
That history has parishioners, clergy and lawmakers in this predominantly Catholic country protesting the pope's decision to appoint Barros, 58, to become spiritual leader over the diocese in Osorno, about 580 miles (930 kilometers) south of Santiago.
More than 1,300 church members in Osorno, along with some 30 priests from the diocese and 51 of Chile's 120 members of Parliament, sent letters to Francis in February urging him to rescind the appointment, which was announced in January and is set to take effect on March 21.
They have not heard back and Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi declined to comment on the matter.
Numerous attempts to reach Barros were not successful; nor has he responded to the victims' accusations or the outcry over his appointment.
The Rev. Peter Kleigel, deputy pastor of the Sacred Heart parish in Osorno, is among those vocally opposing Barros' arrival.
"We're convinced that this appointment is not correct because, following canon law, a bishop must be well-regarded," he told the AP. "We need a bishop who's credible."
Such complaints come even as Francis said this month that a minster needs not only God's blessing, but the blessing of "his people" to do his work.
The controversy is being watched by victims, advocacy groups and others as a test of whether Francis will meet their demands to hold bishops accountable for having ignored or covered up wrongdoing by priests.
Anne Barrett Doyle from BishopAccountability.org, an online resource about abusive priests and complicit bishops, called the appointment "bafflingly inconsistent" with Francis' promise to root out abuse.
"The pope should have suspended and investigated Barros, not given him another diocese to run," Barrett Doyle said in an email to the AP.
Karadima led the parish of El Bosque for nearly six decades before allegations came to light in April 2010, when a news investigation into the abuse was broadcast on state television. Two months later, the archbishop of Santiago, Cardinal Francisco Javier Errazuriz, forwarded the allegations to the Vatican amid an eruption of abuse cases globally.
Victims say allegations against Karadima were reported earlier, but were ignored by the cardinal. Errazuriz, who is one of nine cardinals on Pope Francis' key advisory panel, has acknowledged in court testimony that he failed to act on several abuse allegations because he believed them to be untrue.
Karadima, who lives in isolation at a nun's convent, is barred from having contact with anyone outside of his own family.
Criminal charges against Karadima were dismissed in 2011 by Judge Jessica Gonzalez because the statute of limitations had expired. However, Gonzalez said that based on her interviews of Cruz and other victims during her yearlong investigation, she determined their accusations were truthful and dated "at least as far back as 1962."
Victims say they were between ages 14 and 17 when they first were abused by Karadima.
A letter detailing abuse allegations against Karadima was sent by some victims to Cardinal Francisco Fresno in 1982. But authors of the letter accuse Barros, who then was the cardinal's private secretary, of intercepting it and destroying it.
Francisco Gomez, 52, a publicist who says he was molested by Karadima, told the AP that he signed the letter drafted by two other victims. A friend of his who worked with Fresno, Juan Hoelzzel, told Gomez that Barros ripped it up after reading it — an account that was recorded in testimony during the criminal investigation.
Speaking to the AP, Gomez said he was told by Hoelzzel: "As long as Juan Barros is there, there is no doubt that this will happen again."
During Karadima's criminal trial, Barros confirmed that Hoelzzel, who has since died, had worked in the archbishop's office. Regarding the letter, court documents quote Barros as saying he had "no knowledge" of its existence, adding "I neither deny it nor affirm it."
In his letter on Monday, Barros said: "I never had knowledge of any complaint regarding Father Karadima while secretary to the Cardinal."
Barros is one of four bishops who were mentored by Karadima and defended him from the accusations.
Cruz has said that during the time he was abused, Karadima and Barros behaved intimately with one another in his presence.
"I saw Karadima and Juan Barros kissing and touching each other. The groping generally came from Karadima touching Barros' genitals," Cruz said in a January letter to Monsignor Ivo Scapolo, the papal nuncio in Chile. Cruz provided a copy of the letter to the AP.
Despite Francis' pledge to have no tolerance for abuse by priests, James Hamilton, another victim of Karadima's, said the appointment demonstrates to him that the church "had not changed."
Hamilton, now a 49-year-old doctor, said Barros enjoyed watching Karadima commit the abuse.
"I saw how Barros watched it all," he said.
Since 2004, Barros has been bishop for Chile's military, an appointment made by Pope John Paul II. Previously, he was assistant bishop in the port city of Valparaiso and bishop of the northern city of Iquique.
No representatives of his former dioceses have spoken out in his defense. On Saturday, Chile's papal nuncio published a letter urging parishioners in Osorno to welcome Barros and "prepare, by way of prayer and good works, for the beginning of his pastoral governance."
Associated Press reporter Nicole Winfield in Rome contributed to this report.

Rome: We have a problem

Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, "MERCY!"

Having enjoyed that little diversion, let's get on with the matters at hand.

When the Grand Lodge of Italy praises the election of Jorge Bergoglio as Bishop of Rome be very concerned about "mercy."

Now, we have the Italian Communist magazine, "Il Manifesto" with the same Bishop of Rome on its cover, proclaiming that "mercy could be the way out for the difficult path of reform, announced but not yet implemented." According to Il Manifesto, the Pope wants to "combine an unchanged doctrine and structure with an exclusive pastoral through the "magic word" mercy." When a communist magazine praises the Bishop of Rome by very concerned.

Does Il Manifesto know something we don't? Where have we heard this before?

“Will this Pope re-write controversial Church doctrines? No. But that isn't how doctrine changes. Doctrine changes when pastoral contexts shift and new insights emerge such that particularly doctrinal formulations no longer mediate the saving message of God's transforming love. Doctrine changes when the Church has leaders and teachers who are not afraid to take note of new contexts and emerging insights. It changes when the Church has pastors who do what Francis has been insisting: leave the securities of your chanceries, of your rectories, of your safe places, of your episcopal residences go set aside the small-minded rules that often keep you locked up and shielded from the world.” This quote given by Father Thomas J. Rosica, CSB various lectures is documented on LifeSiteNews and YouTube in his own words. If he thinks this way what of others?

I need make no comment on the above paragraphs; you dear reader, are quite well-informed and can draw your own conclusions. Rather, as this same Bishop of Rome lauded by Freemasons and Communists desiring to go "Forward" has called for an "extraordinary year of mercy" to go along with the extraordinary and ordinary synod, let me ask some questions.

Where is the mercy for Father James Haley?

Where is the mercy for the Catholics of Chile with a voyeur, homosexual and pederast appointed as a bishop over them?

Where is the mercy for the victims of Cardinal O'Brien in Scotland or those who now pay for his new retirement home in the country?

Where is the mercy for Asia Bibi still suffering in Pakistan awaiting her execution and who herself has begged for mercy?

Where is the mercy for the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate?

Where is the mercy for those Catholics who gave "spiritual bouquets" of rosaries only to be mocked by the person for whom they were said?

Where is the mercy for Patricia Januzzi, threatened, mocked and intimidated for her faith?

Where is the mercy for my friend, and countless other victims raped and sodomised around the world by clergy and given the gift that keeps on giving.

Where is the mercy for me and my legal bill and stress upon my family and friends incurred by an unjust persecution for doing what I am doing right now?

But who am I to judge?

Strike the Shepherd and the sheep scatter.

In our times and in this calamity that has befallen the Church it is not from these Romans that one is going to find mercy.

There is only one true mercy and it is found in Him.


Cardinal Tagle: Please explain, I'm just a simple guy

You just can't make this stuff up.

The Filipino Cardinal said, “Every situation for those who are divorced and remarried is quite unique. To have a general rule might be counterproductive in the end. My position at the moment is to ask, ‘Can we take every case seriously and is there, in the tradition of the Church, paths towards addressing each case individually?’ This is one issue that I hope people will appreciate is not easy to say ‘no’ or to say ‘yes’ to. We cannot give one formula for all.”

The Cardinal, with all respect, needs to explain himself. At the bottom of this post is the full reprint of the article from the Catholic Herald on his talk; but for the time-being, let me explain.

It is really simple.

  • Catholics who marry civilly or in a protestant service without the permission of the local Ordinary and witness by the Church's minister - a priest or deacon; are not married and they are living in a continual state of fornication and thus, mortal sin.
  • Catholics who divorce and remarry civilly or in a protestant service (or Catholic if you live in Aurora, Ontario) without the benefit of a Decree of Nullity are living in a perpetual state of adultery and therefore, mortal sin.
  • A Catholic who approaches Holy Communion in such a state will commit the sin of sacrilege which is also a mortal sin.
  • A Catholic who, objectively speaking, dies in a state of mortal sin will go to Hell for all eternity and be cut off from God.

Those four points above make-up my understanding of Catholic teaching in this regard. Because I believe in the Truth as transmitted by Christ through two-thousand years of magisterial teaching, I feel it important to tell you what that teaching actually is; because it seems to me that someone is spinning here and it isn't me.

Am I wrong?

Or is the Cardinal?

As if the statements of Cardinal Tagle at the bottom of this post are not bad enough; another speaker at the conference was Timothy Radcliffe, O.P. 
So, who is Timothy Radcliffe, O.P.?

Oh my; this post is going to be a lot longer than I had intended.

Well, Timothy Radcliffe, O.P., was once interviewed by Father Thomas J. Rosica, CSB at Canada's Salt + Light Television, Our Catholic Channel of Hope. You will begin to get the picture on his theology by losing the twenty-two minutes and twenty-two seconds which you'll never get back from watching it. 

You can also find out about this wayward Dominican at Protect the Pope wherein you will find that this Dominican is a dissenter on the Church's teaching on a number of areas involving homosexual behaviour. Here we have a report on his appearance at the 2014 Divine Mercy Conference as reported by Protect the Pope and copied below in the event that something mysterious happens with that blog and we maintain the original bolding:

Let's take a little look, shall we?:

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A selection of Fr Radcliffe’s writings expressing dissent from the Church’s teaching:

Fr Radcliffe gave the following contribution to the Church of England ‘s review of homosexuality and gay marriage:

Fr Radcliffe OP expands the meaning of fertility to include gay sex

But not every marriage is fertile in this way. We must avoid having a mechanistic or simplistic understanding of fertility. Jesus speaks a fertile word: This is my body, given for you. He is God’s fertile word. And surely it is in the kind and healing words that we offer each other that we all share in fertility of that most intimate moment. When Jesus met Peter on the shore after Easter, he offers him a word that renews their relationship. Three times he asks him; ‘Do you love me more than these others?’ He allows him to undo his threefold denial. Sexual fertility cannot be separated from the exchange of words that heal, that recreate and set free.

How does all of this bear on the question of gay sexuality? We cannot begin with the question of whether it is permitted or forbidden! We must ask what it means, and how far it is Eucharistic. Certainly it can be generous, vulnerable, tender, mutual and non-violent. So in many ways, I would think that it can be expressive of Christ’s self-gift.

We can also see how it can be expressive of mutual fidelity, a covenantal relationship in which two people bind themselves to each other for ever. But the proposed legislation for ‘gay marriage’ imply that it is not understood to be inherently unitive, a becoming one flesh. [...]

And what about fertility? I have suggested that one should not stick to a crude, mechanistic understanding of fertility. Biological fertility is inseparable from the fertility of our mutual tenderness and compassion. And so that might seem to remove one objection to gay marriage. I am not entirely convinced, since it seems to me that our tradition is incarnational, the word becoming bodily flesh. And some heterosexual relationships may be accidentally infertile in this sense, but homosexual ones are intrinsically so.

Sexual ethics is about what our acts say. And I have the impression that we are not very sure of what gay sexual acts signify. Maybe we need to ask gay Christians who have been living in committed relationships for years. I suspect that sex will turn out to be rather unimportant.’

Fr Radcliffe on Holy Communion for Catholics who are divorced and re-married:

I would conclude with two profound hopes. That a way will be found to welcome divorced and remarried people back to communion. And, most important, that women will be given real authority and voice in the church. The pope expresses his desire that this may happen, but what concrete form can it take? He believes that the ordination of women to the ministerial priesthood is not possible, but decision-making in the church has become ever more closely linked to ordination in recent years. Can that bond be loosened? Let us hope that women may be ordained to the diaconate and so have a place in preaching at the Eucharist. What other ways can authority be shared?’

* * * 

The Catholic Herald has a collection of articles about Timothy Radcliffe, O.P. You will have not difficulty finding out more by doing some searching.

The next explanation that His Eminence needs to give is this:

Why Eminence did you appear on the same program with a Preacher who holds and teaches such heterodoxy and; 

Did you correct him?
* * * 

Cardinal Tagle:  There is no "formula for all" on Communion for the divorced or the re-married.

Cardinal Tagle said "every situation for those who are divorced and remarried is quite unique" (CNS)

Cardinal Tagle was speaking at the Flame 2 Youth Congress earlier this month
The Archbishop of Manila has said that there is no all encompassing answer to the question of Communion for the divorced and remarried. Speaking to the Catholic Herald at the Flame 2 Youth Congress earlier this month, Cardinal Luis Tagle, said it was not a question of simply saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’, but that every case should be judged individually.
He said: “Every situation for those who are divorced and remarried is quite unique. To have a general rule might be counterproductive in the end. My position at the moment is to ask, ‘Can we take every case seriously and is there, in the tradition of the Church, paths towards addressing each case individually?’ This is one issue that I hope people will appreciate is not easy to say ‘no’ or to say ‘yes’ to. We cannot give one formula for all.”
Speaking about the upcoming extraordinary synod, Cardinal Tagle said: “The questions asked were an invitation for people to really examine their conscience. For example, in your parish if you are aware that something is happening are you just aware? Or have you already started doing something? There’s the question of the youth, the elderly, and in the case of the Philippines, families that are separated by migration because of jobs. We know what is happening and we know about the negative effects. But what are we doing? Are we just talking about it?
“We must remember that this is an international gathering so people are coming from different contexts. It is the same gospel and the same truth, but you cannot avoid people thinking: ‘How do I present this teaching to my people?’. No single country, diocese or parish can exhaust all possible responses, so it will be a learning moment where the diversity could help all of us.”
Cardinal Tagle spoke of the need to experience Christ for evangelisation: “An evangeliser must first be evangelized. For how can I share the person of Jesus Christ with others if I have not experienced Him myself?”
The Flame 2 Youth Congress attended by approximately 8,000 young Catholics. Surrounded by young people who had gathered for the country’s largest national Catholic youth event at the SSE Wembley Arena, Cardinal Tagle said: “Where there is mercy there is joy. I am only a cardinal and a bishop because of the mercy of God and the kindness of other people.”
The event included prayers incorporating dance and reflection, and ended with exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament led by Cardinal Vincent Nichols of Westminster.

Our sister in Christ, Patricia Januzzi, needs us!

To my Voxers and fellow Bloggers,

If you have not heard by now of Patricia Januzzi, let me tell you.

She is a Catholic teacher removed from her position teaching at Immaculata High School in Somerville, New Jersey for personal comments made about the sanctity of marriage. She is not at retirement age and has been devastated financially by this. Our good friend Barona, at Witness for Church and Pope in Toronto, wrote about her situation.

Where is her bishop?

Where are the pastors?

Where are the Catholics that did this injustice? 

Patricia's friends have taken out a petition to show support for her. It can be found at:


Let us show our Catholic sister and mother that we care for her, love her and will pray for her during this difficult time when even Hollywood celebrities are overcome with evil and mock her.

"Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you for my name's sake, for your reward will be great in heaven." May these words of Our Blessed Lord be a great comfort to Patricia and her family.

As someone who was touched by your kindness and generosity of prayers, words and promises of funds recently when threatened with an unjust lawsuit by a prominent media cleric, Holy See consultant and spokesman and adviser to Pope Francis, it behooves me to do this for my sister -- our sister Patricia on this her name sake day of St. Patrick. You offered me funds should they have been necessary. Thankfully they were not. Those funds are necessary now along with your prayers for our Catholic sister.

You know what to do.

God bless you.


After teaching Catholic Theology for 31 years at Immaculata High School, Somerville, NJ, our mother, Patricia Jannuzzi, was removed from teaching for stating on Facebook: 

“We need healthy families with a mother and a father for the sake of the children and humanity.”

Our family is about to lose our health benefits.  Our mother has recently and successfully battled breast cancer without missing a single day of teaching, except for the day of her operation.  Health benefits are important to our family.    
In addition, we have home, insurance, automobile and many other family expenses including educational expenses for two teenage sons.  (One in college, one in high school.)

Our mother is 57, and hoped to teach until retirement at 65.  Due to the overwhelming attacks in the media on her statement of Catholic belief, we do not believe she will be able to find another teaching position.  Her salary & benefits total: 75,500 a year.  Given her age, we are hoping to raise 7 ½ years of salary & benefits as our goal to protect our family.  But for now we are raising 100,000 to cover salary and health benefits moving forward.

I hope you can find it in your heart to help our family.  Any contribution is welcome.  God Bless!  Please forward this!

Dolan's thugs caught in Vortex! -- proves existence of Irish mafia

Foregoing his favorite Supercardinal cape for a shillelagh Timothy Cardinal Dolan was Grand Marshall at today's St. Patrick's Day Parade in New York City. In behaviour more suited to the Tammany Hall days of the Gangs of New York, than a parade in honour of Ireland's Patron Saint, Dolans's sycophantic thugs elbowed Michael Voris of Church Militant TV and put New York's less than finest on him.

Voris, with authorised press credentials, was in New York to report on the disgraceful action of this Prince of the Catholic Church. Dolan had agreed to be Grand Marshall for the parade which allowed for first time homosexualist groups to march.

Asked to comment about the incident, Cardinal Dolan said that "all are welcome, except Michael Voris." When asked if he felt that his henchmen acted improperly, the Cardinal responded, Who am I to judge?"

Rumours persist that the payoffs at the multi-million dollar cathedral renovation have been insufficient and that the tightening rods attached to the renovated St. Patrick's Cathedral are deficient and may not protect the spires in the upcoming spring thunderstorms should St. Patrick lose patience and withdraw his protecting hand.

A strange and dangerous time to be Faithful Catholic!

It is certainly a difficult, strange and dangerous time to be a Catholic. Daily, we see images of brutality and murder, rape and mayhem falling upon our Christian brothers and sisters in Africa, the Middle East and Pakistan. They are going through a martyrdom. We seem so oblivious to their suffering; it is happening so frequently that it is slipping from our collective consciousness.

Persecution comes in many forms and in many ways. It is not always bloody and it pales in comparison. Yet, the Lord asks us to take whatever comes and to offer it up to God united with His suffering; "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and come follow me." A few sentences later, Our Blessed Lord asks, "For what doth it profit a man if he gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his own soul?" The people who engage in the world against faithful Catholics, need to ponder that.

Catholic World ReportJust over a month ago, I received a letter from one of Toronto's most expensive and aggressive law firms clearly threatening a lawsuit, notwithstanding later denials. It was clear in two letters that I would be sued in court the defense of which would have been in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. I made fair comment on this blog against what I believe were certain contestable comments uttered by Father Thomas J. Rosica, CSB in the public square; be they in his capacity as English-language spokesman of the Holy See, Executive Producer of Salt + Light or as a priest of the Congregation of St. Basil. These were public comments and Catholics have the right and duty under Canon Law to make their concerns known to their pastors and the Christian faithful. Dorothy Cummings MacLean of Catholic World Report provides some history and perspective on the situation.

Patricia Januzzi is a Catholic teacher threatened for her zeal for the faith. Even heartless Hollywood actors chimed in to denigrate and insult this woman which says much about them. She has been vilified and persecuted on social media. America, as well as our own Canada, has become fascist. Mrs. Januzzi put on her own Facebook page a comment about what we all know is a homosexualist agenda to change our culture, our schools, our language and our religions to force us to accept that which we do not believe. We never will accept it or succumb to their bullying no matter from whom it comes. It is an attack on the family and marriage and that has been clear from the beginning. Her bishop has remained silent. Her pastors sit by. Her Catholic school administrators have betrayed her, the students and Our Blessed Lord on the altar of political correctness where they have burnt incense.  The contact page at Immaculata High School has removed all the names of the administration and their emails. Fortunately, not before your writer wrote to them and here for your use are their emails which include the Principal, Vice-Principal and senior administrators. The links are live or you can copy and past them into the address line as they are separated by a semi-colon as follows.

The Pastor of the school is Monsignor Seamus F. Brennan of Immaculate Conception parish. It seems that Monsignor and the school are not unfamiliar with controversy surrounding the issue of homosexuality. The last time, they seemed to deny the seriousness of boys being photographed in the gymnasium shower room. The perpetrator, Patrick Lott the then volunteer coach at Immaculata and a former school principal elsewhere, pleaded guilty to numerous charges in connection with the filming. 

We have a Catholic high school with a track-record of staff with abusive behaviour by a homosexual, and make no mistake - that is what it was now persecuting a teacher for standing up for the truth. One can legitimately ask, is there more to this story?

Patricia Januzzi has a family to support and with the actions of her persecutors and cowardly behaviour of Monsignor Brennan and the school administrators she is without work and healthcare. I have no doubt that someone is going to hire our sister but in the meantime, she needs our support both moral and financial.

In New York yesterday, Michael Voris and his cameraman were assaulted and jostled at the St. Patrick's Day parade. This came at the hands of those around Timothy Cardinal Dolan after Voris, with press credentials, asked the Cardinal a question about his participation as Grand Marshall in the parade with activist homosexualist groups marching behind him.

There is a common-denominator in all of these examples; the complete disregard by church authorities for Canon Law to say nothing of civil and constitutional rights and the tenets of the Second Vatican Council and the Pope's own words to "make a mess."

The time has come for all Catholic who care about the Truth and the Church as taught for two-thousand years to rise up and defend it and Her.

Polish Bishops throw down the gauntlet to Synod manipulators: "People living in non-sacramental union deprive themselves of the possibility of receiving Holy Communion."

With his heritage and knowledge of the Polish language, Barona at Toronto Catholic Witness has been monitoring the news from Poland. 

The Polish Bishops have concluded their annual plenary. The story is now being picked up by Voice of the Family, LifeSiteNews and PewSitter showing the importance of the matter - the outright rejection of Holy Communion for the divorced and remarried.

Individual Catholics must look to the Bishops of Poland in addition to those whom we already know as being faithful to Our Lord Jesus Christ and the teachings of His Church. 

Here is their statement which flies in complete contradiction to the modernists who would seek to approve sacrilege. 

The original communique can be found at the Polish Episcopal Conference website. 

Zebrania plenarne

In view of the upcoming Extraordinary Synod of Bishops in Rome, the bishops have undertaken a reflection on marriage and family. This reflection demonstrated the importance of the family from the perspective of philosophical, theological and legal issues.

Identified once again was the indispensable importance of the sacrament of marriage, and the family for the growth of Christian life within the Church.

Emphasized was the need to promote the pastoral care of families, to strengthen the faithful in understanding and the implementation of sacramental marriage, as understood as a sacred and indissoluble union between a woman and a man.

The teaching and the tradition of the Church shows that people living in non-sacramental union deprive themselves of the possibility of receiving Holy Communion.

Pastoral care must be provided for those living in such unions so that they may be able to keep the faith and continue in the community of the Church. Pastoral care of those in non-sacramental unions should also take account of children, who have the right to participate fully in the life and mission of the Church.

They want to debase the truth. It is an attack on Christ and His Sacrifice. It is an attack on the Eucharist!

What is behind the attempt by Kasper, Marx, Tagle and and the others who are attempting to change doctrine through pastoral practice and a talk of "mercy" as if it is something never practiced in two thousand years?

It is about sacrilege and debasing the Holy Eucharist. It is about denying that the Mass is the Sacrifice of Calvary and debasing it to be the reenactment of the Last Supper rather than a re-presentation of that Sacrifice. If the Eucharist is just a meal, who are we to judge or restrict by law those who want to come? If they want to come, they must do as all of us. Repent of your sins with a firm purpose of amendment. Period. It is that simple. Are any of us truly worthy? Of course not, that is why we pray the Centurion's prayer three times, or once if we're more worthy as in the modernist rite. When we pray, "only say the word" the word is said in the confessional when the priest says, "Ego absolve te!" There is the healing. There is the mercy. 

The Ordinary Form of the Mass, the Novus Ordo Missae is a sacrificial offering, assuming the form, matter and intent is there on the part of the priest. Sometimes, it is illicit even if it is valid. More than often, it is a "banal" product as then Cardinal Ratzinger called it. It is not possible that it can convert and convict in the same way as the the traditional form for its prayers are deficient and its celebration often not sufficient. The Mass according to the latest books by St. John XXIII was nearly eliminated. It was banished by those modernists who were out to undermine the faith and are now at their zenith. This form of the Mass more fully expressed the Catholic faith and the Sacrifice and there is no denying it. It is as straight forward as 2 + 2 = 4 and those who say otherwise want you to believe that it really equals 5. 

They are at the height of their power now and they will come crashing down.

For your spiritual edification.

"A Meditation on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass" 
By Michael Sestak
August 2014

Some days back, a viewer on YouTube forwarded a kind request, asking me to produce a film showcasing the beauty and richness of the Latin Mass. I started the project, but never imagined where it would lead.

I worked on the video each day after work from 7pm - 3am for five consecutive nights. It was a draining experience. But I am satisfied with the end result.


"A Meditation on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass" is not meant to be a mere inspirational drama, but a heartfelt prayer, a Catholic meditation.

It should be viewed as such: Focused. Silent. Penitent.

My sincere hope is that you will grow in your love for God, and your Faith will be strengthened.


After previewing the movie for my family, they expressed concern about some of the symbolism, particularly the scene of the Kiss of Judas and the priest kissing the altar. Please know that I based everything on ancient Catholic teaching. For example:

"When the priest kisses the altar, he is kissing Christ, *faithfully,* in contradiction to the kiss of betrayal by Judas." In a sense, the priest is making atonement for the betrayal of Judas.

"The priest reading the Introit represents Christ being falsely accused by Annas and blasphemed."

"The priest going to the middle of the altar and saying the Kyrie Eleison represents Christ being brought to Caiphas and these three times denied by Peter."

"The priest saying the 'Dominus vobiscum' represents Christ looking at Peter and converting him."

"The priest saying the 'Orate Fratres' represents Christ being shown by Pilate to the people with the words 'Ecce Homo.'"

"The priest praying in a low voice represents Christ being mocked and spit upon."

"The priest blessing the bread and wine represents Christ being nailed to the cross."

"The priest elevating the host represents Christ being raised on the cross."

"The priest goes to the Epistle side and prays signifying how Jesus was led before Pilate and falsely accused."

"The priest goes to the Gospel-side, where he reads the Gospel, signifying how Christ was sent from Pilate to Herod, and was mocked and derided by the latter."

"The priest goes from the Gospel side again to the middle of the altar - this signifies how Jesus was sent back from Herod to Pilate."

"The priest uncovers the chalice, recalling how Christ was stripped for the scourging."

"The priest offers bread and wine, signifying how Jesus was bound to the pillar and scourged."

"The priest washes his hands, signifying how Pilate declared Jesus innocent by washing his hands."

"The priest covers the chalice after the Offertory recalling how Jesus was crowned with thorns."

"The priest breaking and separating the host represents Christ giving up His spirit."

Taken from "The Catholic Church Alone: The One True Church of Christ" by the Catholic Education Company, New York, page 551. The book has been out of print for many decades; used copies sell for about $200.00 or more, but can be read freely on Google Books.

FINAL THOUGHTS by Fulton J. Sheen

Too many of us end our lives, but few of us see them finished. A sinful life may end, but a sinful life is never a finished life.

Our Lord finished His work, but we have not finished ours. He pointed the way we must follow. He laid down the Cross at the finish, but we must take it up. He finished Redemption in His physical Body, but we have not finished it in His Mystical Body.

He has finished the Sacrifice of Calvary; we must finish the Mass.

1,000,000 Catholics don't matter.


They just don't matter.

Not to John Allen.
One might wonder why any of this matters to the Vatican. The Society of St. Pius X claims a global following of around 1 million, which, if true, would represent .01 percent of the full Catholic population of 1.2 billion. Investing resources in trying to lure such a relative footnote back might seem disproportionate.
Not to those who Tweet their indifference to it instead of  being saddened by it.
It's okay. They know it and we know it.

They have no progeny.

There time is short, very short.

This won't last much longer.


Homosexual activist says gay ‘marriage’ isn’t about equality, it’s about destroying marriage

With the continuing anti-family and anti-marriage agenda this is a good time to reexamine it from the perspective of those who undertake it. Notice at the one minute mark the nervous laugh after she says she has "three kids who have, um, five parents, more or less." It is her guilty conscience. Ms Gessen knows not only that the concept is absurd but that it is fundamentally against the natural and moral law.

After you read this, please consider making a donation to Patricia Januzzi, recently fired from Immaculata High School in New Jersey for stating the obvious. You might also consider making a comment on the page to challenge the haters that are lurking there. Below this reprint from LifeSiteNews is an advertisement out today to run on Sean Hannity about Patricia and the phone number for her bishop who has permitted this travesty of justice. It is from Michael Hitchborn of the Lepanto Institute which recently exposed the practices of CRS - Catholic Relief Services which are against Catholic teaching.

Can you Voxers get it over $25,000 by 12 noon EDT?

From LifeSiteNews, May 1, 2013.

May 1, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Conservative pundits are saying that a homosexual activist exposed the hidden agenda behind homosexual “marriage” when she told an audience last year that the movement is not seeking equality but rather a total dismantling of the institution of marriage itself. 

Masha Gessen, a journalist and author who campaigns for homosexual 'rights', made the comments last May in Australia on a panel at the Sydney Writer’s Festival. She said:
It’s a no-brainer that (homosexual activists) should have the right to marry, but I also think equally that it’s a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist. …(F)ighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we are going to do with marriage when we get there — because we lie that the institution of marriage is not going to change, and that is a lie. 
The institution of marriage is going to change, and it should change. And again, I don’t think it should exist. And I don’t like taking part in creating fictions about my life. That’s sort of not what I had in mind when I came out thirty years ago. 
Providing her own life as an example for her advocacy to do away with marriage, Gessen described the complex family structure in which three children whom she parents live: one of them is adopted with her ex-partner, another - whom she birthed – has a biological father in Russia, and the third is the biological child of her current partner and Gessen’s brother. These three children have five adults in parenting roles, but not all five adults parent all three children.

“The five parents break down into two groups of three,” she said. “And really, I would like to live in a legal system that is capable of reflecting that reality, and I don’t think that’s compatible with the institution of marriage.” 

* * * 

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